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More efecto zoom jquery related news:
ZOOM – jQuery photo gallery plugin 8 Feb 2012 | 12:36 pm
Demo ZOOM is a small and nice photo gallery plugin for jQuery. Features: easy to install and use slim design animated transition when changing between images keyboard shortcuts: arrows for previou...
Imágenes con Zomm 28 Apr 2013 | 01:11 pm
Ya hemos visto en alguna ocasión los Rollovers o imágenes de sustitución, esta vez simularemos un efecto "zoom" utilizando de nuevo la propiedad :hover para redimensionar nuestras imágenes de una mane...
jQuery图片放大编辑插件汇总 19 Oct 2012 | 02:02 pm
基于Web的在线应用已经是一个逐步成熟的趋势,Web应用的丰富多样化,都是基于JavaScript框架完成的,其中 jQuery 框架被越来越多的Web开发者青睐,它可以让你“少写,多做”轻松完成复杂效果,这里就是基于jQuery 的14个图片放大编辑插件。 jQuery gzoom plugin Technorati-Tags: Image,zoom,JQuery Ein sehr sch...
一些网站web开发设计资源站分享 23 Sep 2012 | 09:30 pm
网站开发和设计离不开一些优秀的框架和UI设计站,不管是了解最前端的技术,实现方式还是寻找设计灵感都需要一些好站,今儿给大家推荐一些比较新的站,博采众长方可举一反三! 1. Smart Time Ago(jQuery插件) 2. 使用javascript开发超棒的动画文字书写效果 3. Magnifying Glass for Image Zoom (jQuery/CSS3) 4. Set...
Free Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery 6 Mar 2012 | 05:09 pm
A simple image zoom out effect with jQuery. The idea is show some images which are zoomed in initially and when hovering over an image it gets zoomed out. This effect could be used in photography webs...
Create vector maps with JQVMap 11 May 2012 | 06:51 am
JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that renders vector maps. It supports zooming. There are also customization like colour, border, background colour, etc… It also comes with a click callback function so you...
GSAP (GreenSock) & Three & jQuery. Efecto partículas con TweenMax. 28 May 2012 | 09:09 pm
Ver ejemplo >> Descargar proyecto JavaScript >> Pues nada, un ejemplillo de animación de partículas con TweenMax/TimelineMax para JavaScript. Teníamos este ejemplo con ActionScript 3, pero que, cr...
KoalaZoom jQuery Plugin v1.0 15 May 2010 | 10:28 pm
This plugin makes images in an unordered list to zoom in on mouse hover and displays relative information. KoalaZoom was created in just a few hours. I’m planning on adding more effects and options i...
สร้าง slide image ง่ายๆ ด้วย Cycle Plugin 14 Apr 2012 | 04:26 am
ขอนำเสนออีก 1 ปลั๊กอินยอดนิยมของ jquery ใว้ใช้สำหรับทำ slideshows รูปภาพ สำหรับตัวนี้มี features ให้เล่นค่อนข้างเยอะครับ เช่น fade, scroll, shuffle, zoom และอีกมากมาย ติดตั้งและใช้งานง่าย สามารถกำหน...
Nice photo gallery using jQuery and zoom effect 3 Nov 2011 | 03:45 am
Today I will present you with a tutorial for creating a photo gallery with jQuery and zoom effect. It's a pretty nice gallery and you can add it both in your posts and in a HTML/Javascript widget. Al...