Most egg og bacon related news are at:

Left, right, left 26 Aug 2013 | 10:21 pm
Jeg har aldri eid, eller i det hele tatt hatt på meg, et kamuflasjeplagg – inntil nå. Og det er ikke nødvendigvis fordi jeg synes det er stygt, det er helt greit på andre, det er bare rart på meg. Je...
Sunne vafler og sykkeltur 25 Aug 2013 | 09:34 pm
Pleier ikke søndager å lokke frem husmora i dere? Ikke? Men disse frister kanskje; Søndagsvafler Oppskrift: 3 egg 1 eggehvitte 20 g mandelmel 20 g proteinpulver 10 g fiberfin (valgfritt) 1-2...
More egg og bacon related news:
July 27, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 28 Jul 2011 | 02:48 pm
12:45PM Spaghetti squash with butter and garlic salt, sweet potato fries with butter, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing 4:30PM Atkins bar 8:00PM Bacon, pepp...
July 26, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 27 Jul 2011 | 02:25 pm
10:15AM 5 pastured eggs cooked in coconut oil 12:30PM Sugar-free dark chocolate 6:30PM BBQ ribs, spaghetti squash with butter and garlic salt, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds...
July 25, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 26 Jul 2011 | 04:01 pm
10:00AM Atkins bar 11:45AM 1/4 pound beef with cheese, mayo and pickle, spaghetti squash with butter and garlic salt, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing 5:30...
July 24, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 25 Jul 2011 | 03:55 pm
2:15PM BBQ chicken breast, spaghetti squash with butter and garlic salt, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing 7:15PM 30-minute weight lifting session 8:00PM At...
July 23, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 24 Jul 2011 | 03:51 pm
10:15M 4 pastured eggs cooked in coconut oil with cheese 2:45PM 1/2 rack BBQ ribs, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing 6:30PM Atkins bar 8:45PM Pepperoni, mo...
July 22, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 23 Jul 2011 | 03:46 pm
9:15M 4 pastured eggs cooked in coconut oil 2:00PM Spaghetti squash with garlic salt and butter, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing, Atkins bar 9:30PM Pepper...
July 20, 2011 Low-Carb Menu 21 Jul 2011 | 03:38 pm
8:45AM 4 pastured eggs cooked in coconut oil with cheese 1:15PM Spaghetti squash with garlic salt and butter, spinach salad with eggs, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and Ranch dressing 5:30PM Atkin...
17 day diet. Dag 6 29 Mar 2011 | 06:53 pm
Har ikke vært så ivrig på innleggene de siste dagene, men nå kommer en liten oppdatering. Jeg spiser stort sett smoothie til frokost, 2 egg og salat til lunch, kyllingfilet til middag. To frukter og ...
The Comforts of Carbonara 3 Jan 2011 | 01:01 am
Carbonara is an Italian pasta dish made from eggs, cheese, bacon and also pepper. The dish appeared during the 20th century. Like many dishes, the origins of the dish are obscure, and there are many s...
Good morning Stockholm 18 Aug 2012 | 05:41 pm
Nå har vi nettopp inntatt en deilig hotellfrokost. De hadde ikke mindre enn to svære buffeter her! Pannekake, eggerøre, ost, skinke, pølse og bacon sto på min meny – ett godt tegn på at ferien har beg...