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What Should I Keep When Cleaning Out Dad’s House? 1 Dec 2010 | 10:01 am
Don’t sell, give away, or donate anything until a professional has examined it. So many boomers throw away or give away personal possessions worth a fortune, simply because they don’t know the values....
When Parenthood Hijacks Your Marriage 17 Aug 2011 | 10:04 pm
Editor’s note: The following is a guest post by Tim Murphy at Renegade Dad. Many of us talk about prioritizing as it relates to our work but it’s also important to prioritize other areas of our life,...
Father’s Day Gift Ideas 1 Jun 2011 | 10:50 pm
Post written by Sherri Kruger. Father’s day is just around the corner and this year, just like any other, I’m struggling with what to get my dad as well as my husband. I know I’m not alone in this ye...
Square Snare 22 Oct 2010 | 02:09 am
My dad makes and sells keychains for Square readers. He attaches a keyring to a 3.5mm jack. Make your own or order one pre-made for $5:
Number One Bestseller On Amazon 6 Jan 2012 | 11:50 am
Take a stroll down memory lane and you will recall that I published my first Kindle book titled Dad, can we… 45 Ways to be the Dad Your Kids Need last summer. After the initial announcement about the...
Setting Up and Safeguarding An Online “Alter Ego” Identity 11 May 2010 | 05:36 am
Not too long ago it was fashionable and normal to go by a pseudonym like “CyberBabe” or “Warlord” – even on professional blogs or forums. Around 2008, when Twitter started to take off, a critical mass...
Cosas prohibidas de decir a tu novio 3 Apr 2012 | 06:01 pm
Aunque estés muy enamorada y aunque tu novio y tu tengan mucha confianza y bastante tiempo juntos, hay cosas que el nunca querrá escuchar. Principalmente porque lastiman su EGO y también porque pueden...
<center>Featured Poem Of The Month<center> 11 Mar 2012 | 12:46 pm
Happy Birthday Dad Happy Birthday for a special dad on your happiest day, Happy Birthday with your smiles on your face, It is your day to make a date, we wish you Happy Birthday. www.special-birt...
Battlefield 3: Rosjanin – najnowsza powieść sensacyjna McNaba już w polskich księgarniach 19 Apr 2012 | 04:24 am
Dziś na półki księgarń trafia polski przekład powieści sensacyjnej Andy’ego McNaba i Petera Grimsdale’a – Battlefield 3: Rosjanin. Książka ta, opierając się na motywach słynnej gry o tym samym tytule,...
Pierwszy fragment książki Battlefield 3: Rosjanin 6 Apr 2012 | 09:21 pm
Dima Majakowski, bohater powieści Andy’ego McNaba pt. Battlefield 3: Rosjanin to były żołnierz Specnazu. Kiedyś był żywą legendą tej formacji, dziś nie wierzy już w sens walki w imię dobra i pomyślnoś...