Most eldar aspect warrior army related news are at:
– Sons of Sanguinius
Screamer Council: is it "top dog" at a tournament? 25 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
It's not just Shredder that is unkillable..... It's one of the hot topics - now that Tau and Mech/Hybrid Eldar (or of course TauDar) are flooding the tournament boards, how do we kill them? How do we...
Tyranids and the future: List Review -ETC 2013 20 Aug 2013 | 02:11 pm
ETC 2013 List Review and way forward: Simply put, the Tyranids went past the point of "best efficiency". Continuous tweaks to make the list as balanced as possible meant that points were directed awa...
More eldar aspect warrior army related news:
A Girl's 40k Problems 11 Dec 2010 | 06:11 pm
Ok, this gem is a bit to hilarious NOT to share. I was showing my girlfriend the Archon and Kabalite Warriors I recently bought for my upcoming Dark Eldar army and I asked her why she hasn't done any...