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One-year countdown begins for computer-based FE, FS exams 5 Apr 2013 | 08:22 pm
(From the NCEES publication LICENSURE EXCHANGE, February 2013, ISSN NO. 1093-541X, VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1 – PAGE 8) NCEES is scheduled to complete the transition of the FE and FS exams to computer-based t...
One-year countdown begins for computer-based FE, FS exams 5 Apr 2013 | 08:22 pm
(From the NCEES publication LICENSURE EXCHANGE, February 2013, ISSN NO. 1093-541X, VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1 – PAGE 8) NCEES is scheduled to complete the transition of the FE and FS exams to computer-based t...