Most elementary project gnome related news are at:

elementary T-Shirts Now Available 9 Jul 2013 | 11:48 pm
A few weeks ago we started selling official elementary stickers (and we've shipped hundreds), but today we have something even more exciting to show you: official elementary t-shirts! read more
Get Your elementary Stickers 22 Jun 2013 | 04:54 am
Attention elementary fans: we're now selling official elementary stickers! Check it out. We're currently selling just stickers and we ship worldwide. We do plan on carrying more merch in the future, ...
More elementary project gnome related news:
Aportación: elementary theme para Emapthy 1 Oct 2012 | 02:41 pm
He modificado un tema para empathy (el messenger de elementary, ubuntu, gnome...) al más puro estilo elementary. Basado en Noteboard! theme, he conseguido el beneplácito de su autor para su modificac...
Aportación: elementary theme para Emapthy 1 Oct 2012 | 02:41 pm
He modificado un tema para empathy (el messenger de elementary, ubuntu, gnome...) al más puro estilo elementary. Basado en Noteboard! theme, he conseguido el beneplácito de su autor para su modificac...
Meet GUADEC 2013 4 Aug 2013 | 03:01 pm
There's a motto in the GNOME Project: "GNOME is people". GUADEC is the best place to experience that first hand: it is our chance to spend time with and enjoy the company of contributors. Meet GUADEC ...
Divided and Destroyed Thanks to DISD and Jubilee 15 Aug 2013 | 05:57 pm
Soon, the 4-1/2 year conflict over the O.M. Roberts Elementary project, and lingering concerns for the affected community, will be supplanted by the hype and celebration over the new massive O.M. Robe...
Linux下的电影播放机Totem 9 Aug 2013 | 11:22 pm
Totem: Totem是什么? Totem是官方的GNOME桌面环境基于GStreamer的电影播放器。它具有播放列表,全屏模式,寻求和音量控制,以及键盘导航。 它配备了更多功能,例如: 视频缩略图的文件管理器 鹦鹉螺“属性”选项卡 Mozilla的火狐插件在你的浏览器观看电影 命令行的视频属性帮手(索引) 特点 播放任...
Gnome-Colors Theme, me encanta! 14 Nov 2008 | 04:42 am
Hoy me encontré con los primeros iconos que han conseguido sustituir a los Elementary por primera vez en muchos meses. Se trata de Gnome-Colors Theme, y un detalle muy bueno es que podemos encontrarlo...
Library Project Update — Book Drive Begins 3 Mar 2012 | 06:56 am
It is hard to believe the Baltimore Elementary and Middle School Library Project (The Library Project) was launched only this past December. Since then, the project has grown – in the number of partne...
Seeing the Problem More Clearly 9 Jan 2012 | 06:52 pm
For much of her later elementary years, my fifth-grade daughter has not enjoyed “school.” While she has always loved hands-on projects and field trips, completing workbook exercises or reading assignm...
Rosholt Hornet LEGO Mosaic 9 May 2010 | 11:14 am
After a long break from building, I recently worked with students from Rosholt Elementary School to build a LEGO mosaic of their school mascot – a hornet. Shown below is the completed project, which ...
Ebbene si: tradisco Ubuntu…con KUBUNTU! ;) 1 May 2012 | 03:19 am
Il nuovissimo Precise Pangolin offre una possibilità ottima: installando Calligra col Project Neon possiamo decidere all’inizio se accedere col nostro Ubuntu Gnome per esempio (il mio preferito se s...