Most elf oscillator related news are at:

“What Are & From Whence Come the FLYING DISCS?” 23 Nov 2011 | 11:54 pm
Selections from “The Ether Ship Mystery (and Its Solution)” by Meade Layne, presenting unique insight into the enigma of the Flying Saucers as it was first presented by BSRF in the 1940s, an antidote ...
Fly, Lokas, Fly! 5 Nov 2011 | 12:35 pm
The following posting is a collection of three articles from 1947, presented as they first appeared in the original BSRA Round Robins and Journals, all three explorations of the flying saucer phenomen...
More elf oscillator related news:
The COSMAC ELF 15 Apr 2012 | 01:29 am
I just published a blog post over at my autobiographical site about my first experiences with computers. It might be of interest to folks that read this site, too.
Эльфы (Elf) :: ExIoPB v3.01 - доп. инфа на прогрессбарах (все платформы) 26 Aug 2010 | 04:44 am
Тема: ExIoPB v3.01 - доп. инфа на прогрессбарах (все платформы) Автор: FreeA Дата: Wed Aug 25, 2010 19:44 Дайте плиз, если у кого есть, RamList на сх75sw25
Эльфы (Elf) :: ReadMissedMes v1.4 + Lite! 26 Aug 2010 | 03:26 am
Тема: ReadMissedMes v1.4 + Lite! Автор: sakatgg Дата: Wed Aug 25, 2010 18:26 Версия 1.4 работает нормально.Пробывал RMM Lite! еще раз,папку Daemons переименовал,чтоб не грешил на другие эльфы,все ра...
Skip Beat Preview 4 Dec 2011 | 06:30 am
Sm menayangkan preview drama Skip Beat yang paling ditunggu – tunggu oleh ELF se-asia dan tentunya pecinta drama Taiwan XD ~ akhirnya ada pelem drama Taiwan yang bagus setelah kejayaan They Kiss Again...
Turn Based Battle 9 May 2012 | 06:54 pm
Not everything is as it seems when James the Elf has the first Random Encounter of this Adventure. Will he get to the bottom of his mysterious enemy? Or will the entire world crumble to the great evil...
Tibia Bot NG 9.51 / Tibia MC 9.51 / NeoBot 9.51 / TibiaAuto 9.51 / REDBOT 9.51 / ELF BOT 9.51 BUGWT SCRIPTS !!! (100% safe) 8 Apr 2012 | 05:37 am
Tibia Bot NG 9.51 / Tibia MC 9.44 / NeoBot 9.51 / TibiaAuto 9.51 / REDBOT 9.51 / ELF BOT 9.51 BUGWT SCRIPTS !!! (100% safe) Tibia MC 9.51 Tibia MC 9.51 é um programa que permite a execuçao de 2 ou ...
Tibia Auto 9.51 / RedBot PRO 9.51 / Elf Bot 9.51 DOWNLOAD 8 Apr 2012 | 05:19 am
Tibia Auto 9.51 / Red Bot PRO 9.51 / Elf Bot 9.51 DOWNLOAD REDBOT 9.51 RED BOT POR TIBIA 9.51 FULL VERSION ! Red Bot 9.51 -> ________________________________...
[Paladin] Tognor lvl 70 8 Oct 2007 | 05:36 am
slaut tout le monde =) -nom: tognor -lvl: 70 -classe: paladin -race:elfe de sang -niveau stuff je suis moyen pour mon level mais j ai plus que de l honneur pour recup ceinture botte et brassard d...
An unbreakable bond - Part 2/2 18 Jul 2009 | 08:11 pm
Title : An unbreakable bond - Part 2 Pairing : Akame, Ryokame? Rating : NC-17 Summary : When a human stepped in Elf's word (horrible summary sorry >_<) Disclaimer : I don't own anything but the story...
An unbreakable bond - Part 1/2 18 Jul 2009 | 07:36 pm
Title : An unbreakable bond - Part 1 Pairing : Akame, Ryokame? Rating : NC-17 Summary : When a human stepped in Elf's word (horrible summary sorry >_<) Disclaimer : I don't own anything but the story...