Most elite fashion academy related news are at:

Going Wavy: Tony & Jackey + Loreal 27 Aug 2013 | 08:56 am
Many of you do not know that I naturally have straight hair: black, pin-straight, thin, limp. Many days I struggle with it and wish that I had my sister’s hair instead which is the total opposite: bro...
Pink Pack: iPowerGO 23 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
I’m so relieved that the sun finally came through today!! Maybe only for short bits, but that’s better than no sunshine at all, right? Quota na sa ulan ok. This calls for a happy celebration! Or mayb...
More elite fashion academy related news: 12 May 2009 | 12:07 am
07 Ghost v01-05 セブンゴースト 01-05 Teased unmercifully for his past as an orphan and a slave, Teito has only his best friend Mikage to ease his days at the elite Barsburg Academy - and his mastery of the m...
Limited Spots Still Available for Rhode Island Elite Soccer Academy 16 Jul 2012 | 12:00 pm
FASHION EVENT ΑΠΟ ΤΟ Ι.Ε.Κ. ΔΕΛΤΑ 31 May 2013 | 01:46 pm
Tο Ι.Ι.Ε.Κ. ΔΕΛΤΑ διοργανώνει μια φαντασμαγορική επίδειξη μόδας για την παρουσίαση της prêt – a – porte συλλογής του “Fashion Academy”: “DELTA DESIGN EXPERIENCE!” Την Τετάρτη 5 Ιουνίου, στις 8.00 το β...
Color trends at the Antwerpen Fashion Academy… 13 Jul 2013 | 03:48 am
hello my dear followers … sorry if I didn’t send any new posts these last days… it seems a bit ridiculous I know to publish photos from an event which has been happening a month ago, but for my excuse...
Hip Hop Master Class with Tommy Miller 23 Jul 2013 | 08:17 pm
Title: Hip Hop Master Class with Tommy Miller Location: Elite Dance Academy 9059 W. Lake Pleasant Parkway #880 Peoria, AZ 85382 Description: Hip Hop Workshop with Tommy Miller Tommy Miller is signed ...
Конкурс на получение стипендий для изучения моды в Милане 29 Jul 2013 | 11:08 pm
Миланская Академия моды Haute Future Fashion Academy проводит конкурс «Дайте блеснуть вашему таланту», в рамках которого разыгрывается 9 стипендий в размере 11,1 тысячи евро каждая, что составляет 50%...
The Elite Academy; Brand New Graduate Position Now Available 12 Aug 2013 | 07:41 pm
The Elite Training Academy was launched in 2008 to nurture and develop the young and talented into professional business people, which has been an integral part of Elite’s growth.
Elite Fashion Swimwear: The Latest Swimwear Trends! 25 Jul 2013 | 07:36 am
Going on a cruise is a huge event. Whether you've been on twenty sea excursions or this is your very first one, it's important to dress the part while you travel on a ship. Many women look forward to....
Experts Academy Elite Bonus 24 Jan 2012 | 11:19 am
Last year I purchased Experts Academy by Brendon Burchard, and I gladly paid full asking price for it. And so did 3 or 4 of my best friends, all on my recommendation. Every single one of them, includ...
Pearl Academy of Fashion launches new campus in Noida 10 Apr 2012 | 09:24 pm
The growing demand for fashion and design programs coupled with the rapid pace of internationalization of the industry, has paved the way for a brand new campus of the Pearl Academy of Fashion in Noid...