Most elitist fags cache history related news are at:
– The Camp Of The Saints | DISPATCHES FROM THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS [DHS-Certified Rightwing Extremist / White House Certified 'Fishy' / Carter-Certified Raaaaacist! / Kafir]
Are You Syria-ous? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:48 am
Let’s see… On one side is a Muslim regime that supports terrorist organizations. On the other are Muslim terrorists who want to erect a more ‘pure’ Mohammedin regime. Each side is killing the membe...
Sit Down And Let Bartender Bob Ease Your Worried Mind 27 Aug 2013 | 05:34 am
Inspired by Jeff Goldstein’s post of today on his experience with the Mint Julip and by the offered recipes of his loyal Goldsteinians in the Comments section of Protein Wisdom, I have decided to repu...