Most elitist jerks shaman related news are at:

Status Check: The Healing Game as of 5.3 26 Jun 2013 | 08:42 pm
These past few months of progression, combined with a work schedule that refuses to ease up, have left me with a billion ideas about the game and a folder full of half-written, conceptualized, or hast...
Tier 15: Reflections on the Journey 28 May 2013 | 07:15 pm
It was at 2:30am ET on last Wednesday morning that Tier 15 came to a close for the members of Promethean’s raid team. On the heels of an absolutely heart-wrenching 1% wipe the night before, and after ...
More elitist jerks shaman related news:
Museum 2.0 Rerun: I Am An Elitist Jerk 7 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
This August/September, I am "rerunning" popular Museum 2.0 blog posts from the past. This is a personal and crowd favorite--and one of the scariest posts I ever wrote. Originally posted five years ago...
Shaman Jerk 15 Nov 2008 | 08:19 am
Je suis Shaman Jerk...Off! (jeu de mot pourri en anglais, il faut pas chercher) Bref, je suis Shaman Jerk, le Big Boss de ce Bar, donc, vous devez me vénérer comme un dieu, en gros! (non, je déconne)...