Most eliza doolittle related news are at:

Jay-Z y Timberlake presentan una canción que cita a Nirvana 9 Jul 2013 | 06:22 pm
A finales de junio Courtney Love contó a The Huffington Post que Jay-Z utilizará algunos fragmentos de la mítica canción “Smells Like Teen Spirit” de Nurvana para la creación de un nuevo tema de su pr...
The Doors se reunirán para rendir homenaje a Ray Manzarek 8 Jul 2013 | 04:37 pm
Claro, “The Doors se reunirán” en mucho decir. En realidad se reunirán los dos músicos de este cuarteto estadounidense que todavía quedan vivos. Jim Morrison nos dejó por allá en el año 1971 y en mayo...
More eliza doolittle related news:
New Pop Act: Eliza Doolittle 6 Apr 2010 | 01:49 pm
Curiously missing from BBC's "Sound 0f 2010" shortlist last year was 22-year-old singer/songwriter Eliza Doolittle. It seemed odd, as she was quite hotly tipped, signed to Parlophone, and being on the...
KT to perform at ‘Childish Things’ music night – Oxford 1 Feb 2012 | 04:31 am
KT will perform at the Childish Things music night at New Theatre – Oxford, alongside Jamie Cullum, Eliza Doolittle, Beardyman and internationally renowned flamenco guitarist Rafael on February 27th. ...
Save the Date – MAY 12, 2013 16 Jul 2012 | 01:10 pm
This weekend we watched “Roman Holiday” with the girls. When Audrey Hepburn first came on the screen Clara cried out, “Mom! Mom! It’s ELIZA DOODLE!” (Clara calls Eliza Doolittle, Eliza Doodle – we ...
London Olympics 2012: Eliza Doolittle Performs In A Bra 27 Jul 2012 | 08:08 am
Katy B wasn’t the only one celebrating the London Olympics 2012 torch ceremony. Rollerblader Eliza Doolittle was also on hand to rock the crowd of more than 60,000 people at Hyde Park on Thursday (Jul...
New Pop Act: Eliza Doolittle 6 Apr 2010 | 09:49 am
Curiously missing from BBC's "Sound 0f 2010" shortlist last year was 22-year-old singer/songwriter Eliza Doolittle. It seemed odd, as she was quite hotly tipped, signed to Parlophone, and being on the...
LISTEN: Toro y Moi remixes Disclosure's "You & Me" ft. Eliza Doolittle 29 May 2013 | 03:25 am
Toro y Moi just dropped a brand new remix of Disclosure's "You & Me" ft. Eliza Doolittle. Stream the track in full here:
Eliza Doolittle z przyjaciółmi w stylu lat 90. 18 Jun 2013 | 10:01 am
Eliza Doolittle opublikowała teledysk do piosenki "Big When I Was Little". Na singlu kawałek ukaże się 28 lipca. Towarzyszący numerowi klip ukazuje wokalistkę wraz z przyjaciółmi ubranych w ciuchy rod...