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The I Love Cocktails Budget 12 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
There is something exquisite about an expertly-crafted, beautiful-presented cocktail, especially if said cocktail is consumed during at a low-lit bar with someone you are really into or at a bistro wh...
Have a party: the six-pack swap 6 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Saw this idea of a beer-swap on The Billfold. Love, love, love. I had a few get-togethers like this last year, where I bought a bunch of tacos from the local taqueria, got some cheese and tortillas a...
More elizabeth gilbert husband related news:
Find yourself with Julia Roberts Ray-Ban 3025 Aviators from Eat Pray Love 23 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
We all dream of having a different, more exciting life some days but most of us don’t do anything about it. Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) had everything a modern woman is supposed to want – a husb...
What’s the new Thing? 17 Oct 2009 | 04:05 pm
wew….lanjut…….aku punya beberapa cerita ni…. 1. hmmm i’m so excited….Eat, Pray, Love,,,,,sedang tahap syuting…mo jadi pilem…yuhui!!!!! yg bakalan meranin Elizabeth Gilbert itu julia Roberts…huhuhuhu m...
Elizabeth Gilbert on Nurturing Creativity 29 Nov 2011 | 03:39 am
Although I don’t consider my profession to necessarily centre around creativity in the same way that Elizabeth’s does, I still felt that this video resonated with me. It’s a completely different take ...
Dotsub Sources of Pronunciation Practice 19 Apr 2011 | 01:00 pm
From DotSub Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity Jill Bolte Taylor's powerful stroke of insight Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks Patrick Chappatte: The power of cartoons Preside...
How to encourage our great creative minds? 28 Jun 2011 | 09:19 am
Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses — and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person “being” a genius, all of us “have” a genius. It’s a ...
Quiet Mind 9 Jun 2009 | 10:29 pm
I almost had it enough with my daughter today! Boy did I ever! If Elizabeth Gilbert's words about quiet mind had not come in time to save me, I would have turned blue from holding my breath. I mean, r...
Elizabeth Gilbert 19 Mar 2010 | 02:10 pm
When she starts to talk about how people ask her if she reached a high point and now everything is downhill from there with her new book, it made me feel like she was being somehow brought down by wri...
Eat, Pray, Love. NOTES 22 Sep 2010 | 06:17 pm
. “Eat, Pray, Love” author, Elizabeth Gilbert was being interviewed for her notable book, a New York Times Bestseller. Its her account of her year long journey and the lessons she learned on her spir...
“Committed” 25 Mar 2011 | 01:04 pm
“Committed” ou, como foi traduzido para o título em português, “Comprometida”, foi a obra que continuou a pesquisa que a autora, Elizabeth Gilbert, fazia em relação aos relacionamentos. Entretanto, n...
Eat, Pray, Love 12 Aug 2010 | 06:03 am
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book was entertaining, touching and inspiring. It taught me about appreciating life and has encouraged me to follow my spiritual pat...