Most email form code snippet related news are at:

Signs you are a hardcore gamer 17 Mar 2012 | 02:35 am
We all know that some gamers are more devoted to the cause than others. There are hardcore gamers, casual gamers, and the occasional gamer. Knowing which type we are though? That is a different story...
Signs you are a hardcore gamer 16 Mar 2012 | 10:35 pm
We all know that some gamers are more devoted to the cause than others. There are hardcore gamers, casual gamers, and the occasional gamer.
More email form code snippet related news:
Poor mans ‘Google’ Search with PHP 29 Jan 2011 | 07:51 pm
A simple code snippet that takes user input in the form of words or quote enclosed phrases and builds an SQL query to allow you to pull results from a database. This is an expanded version of somethi...
A web 2.0 app for uploading and running remote Python code snippets? 14 Mar 2008 | 06:01 am
I know I read about this on reddit within the last week or so… But I just can’t find it! My Google-fu is failing me! Grrrrr. There was a general upload text area form where you copy in your code snipp...
12 Useful WordPress Coding Snippets And Hacks 19 Oct 2011 | 11:11 pm
Nice list of WordPress hacks! I really like the filter function which makes it possible [...] Related posts: How-to restore email messages from Uebimiau or T-dah webmail I have a few servers where Di...
C# Code Snippet - Extract Emails 3 Nov 2011 | 03:54 pm
(C-Sharp) C# code snippet to extracts all the Emails from a string. ExtractEmails returns string array of Emails successful matches by iteratively applying a regular expression pattern to the input st...
404 email alert 29 May 2009 | 09:44 pm
Here is a little PHP code snippet to add to your 404 page, in order to get an email alert with all sorts of useful data, each time a 404 page is accessed.
Mailchimp Tutorial – Create A List And Get Your Optin Form Code To Embed In A Website 7 Aug 2012 | 05:36 am
Home Business Ideas Learn how to get the optin form code from Mailchimp. You can embed the form code into your website and make a signup form for your email list or newsletter. This is a simpl...
Now With More Register 21 Dec 2012 | 04:26 pm
In the interest of creating a faster registration process based off of this post, here's some prototyped code that changes the user/register form into an email form and allows for immediate user creat...
Best WordPress Plugins for Attorneys – Email Form Spam Fix 30 May 2013 | 11:49 am
Contact Form Plugin – Fast Secure Contact Form Are you getting spam like all the time from your websites contact form? Good chance it might be because you dont have a CAPTCHA security code users must...
DreamHost have rolled out anti spam measures - check your PHP contact forms 27 Aug 2013 | 07:08 am
I've spent the last few days and nights battling what I thought was bad PHP code which prevented my emails forms sending messages via my DreamhHost server. Turns out DH recently implemented spoofing ...
Setting content headers to send WordPress HTML email 28 May 2013 | 03:48 pm
Just paste the following code snippet to your functions.php file of your current theme. It will force all emails to be sent in HTML format. If you want to set HTML format for specific emails and do no...