Most embed iframe in wordpress related news are at:

I love this Google logo! 31 Mar 2011 | 09:31 pm
This is a rather quick post. I just wanted to tell you that I rather love the way Google changes its logo time to time and I especially love the logo they are featuring now! Google The fun part Ca...
More embed iframe in wordpress related news:
Big Update to My Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator WordPress Plugin 24 Oct 2011 | 09:33 am
In January I made a plugin for WordPress that generates thumbnails for videos posted online, and the proper HTML & JavaScript codes to embed those videos in a webpage. It has come in handy many times ...
Facebook FBML Beginner 25 May 2012 | 11:00 am
Facebook FBML Beginner: Creating Facebook Landing Pages Using Iframes and WordPress. There is a new way to present custom content on Facebook Pages, Tabs and FBML are go...
Add a Backup to Embedded Tweets in WordPress 24 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Around this time last year, I showed you how to embed tweets in WordPress using the Twitter API. Today, I want to improve on that script by adding a backup to it. Twitter is often down or unresponsiv...
Iframe virüsü wordpress’te nasıl temizlenir? 24 Aug 2011 | 09:35 am
Merhaba arkadaşlar önceki yazımda bahsetmiş olduğum gibi uzun uğraşlar sonucu sunucudan temizlemiş olduğum iframe virüsünün nasıl temizlendiğini anlatacağım ki daha fazla kişi bu sorundan muzdarip olm...
WordPress Slideshow Gallery v1.0.3 16 Dec 2009 | 08:55 pm
The initial release of the WordPress slideshow gallery plugin was a huge success and WordPress users seemed to really enjoy the new concept of being able to easily embed (using a WordPress shortcode) ...
How To Embed Images In WordPress Blog 5 May 2011 | 09:11 am
Recently I had email requests from some of my readers, asking “Monika, how do you insert images in WordPress Blog?” Watch below and enjoy! Make sure you comment below and write down any other tu...
How to: insert workbook in WordPress 17 Jan 2011 | 11:40 am
While embedding Excel on a web page is pretty easy, doing it in is a little tricky. The problem: Excel Web App embedding is done using an iframe, and strips out iframes fo...
TYPO3: RTE embed / iframe tag 29 Apr 2011 | 01:52 am
According to Google Analytics a lot of people are currently looking for a way to use embed tags within the (tt_news) RTE. By default the TYPO3 RTE will remove these embed tags, but it’s fairly easy to...
How to embed iframe widgets in a blog © Netty Gritty 25 Jan 2011 | 09:35 am
Some widgets are embeddable in a website/blog only via iframe code. Since iframe codes are restricted in, we will embed iframe codes of our iframe widgets not directly, but by using a di...
WordPress Slideshow Gallery v1.0.3 16 Dec 2009 | 03:55 pm
The initial release of the WordPress slideshow gallery plugin was a huge success and WordPress users seemed to really enjoy the new concept of being able to easily embed (using a WordPress shortcode) ...