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Keniaanse vrouw trouwt met twee mannen 27 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
Een Keniaanse vrouw besloot met twee mannen te trouwen toen ze niet kon kiezen tussen hen. Vier jaar lang had de vrouw een affaire met de mannen. De twee begonnen te vechten met elkaar, maar een polit...
Frambozen zorgen voor gezonder sperma 27 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
Volgens Amerikaanse onderzoekers hebben mannen die vaak frambozen eten gezonder sperma. Doordat frambozen veel vitamine C, magnesium en foliumzuur bevat hadden de mannen boven de 44 jaar 20 procent ...
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[FILMES]O exorcismo de Emily Rose 5 Jan 2012 | 12:39 pm
Uma advogada cética, chamada pra defender um padre acusado de negligencia na morte de uma jovem, considerada doente pelos médicos. Porém o filme é excelente, chamou a minha atenção por demonstrar uma...
The Exorcism of Emily Rose 11 Nov 2005 | 08:16 pm
據知是真人真事寫成的劇本,電影的宣傳海報還標名電影內會出現沙旦的錄音,我的基督徒朋友說听見了會受洗腦的,就像傳說披頭四的Revolution No.9和九寸釘的音樂那樣子(聽人說的),但音樂內的是隱藏性的魔語,電影內的可是直接性的,怕未! 其實劇情不是我想像中的那樣恐怖,嚇人的手法也不夸張,往往都是拍著一動不動,眼睛閉著的入魔者,然後鏡頭漸近,來個臉部大特寫,突然入魔著就張開眼睛,背景音樂登!一...
How are you ranking??? 18 May 2011 | 12:53 am
Our contest has kicked off to a great start. Keep spreading the word!!! To see how your Emily Rose @Home contest points are racking up, click below: Note: The system se...
The New Emily Rose @Home – Home Party Network 4 May 2011 | 06:05 am
We start counting down to the June 1st launch date on May 16th when we announce our exciting Launch Contest where we are giving away a free business at every Club level. Click here to sign-up and get ...
Download - O Exorcismo de Emily Rose dublado 14 Jul 2011 | 09:55 am
Sinopse: Emily Rose (Jennifer Carpenter) é uma jovem que deixou sua casa em uma região rural para cursar a faculdade. Um dia, sozinha em seu quarto no alojamento, ela tem uma alucinação assustadora, p...
Fantastical, Magical, and Supernatural 16 Mar 2010 | 10:32 am
Ghosts At the Sign of Coach and Horses by Ranger The Four by Dash Firm Foundation by Nelson Guns and Roses by Nelson The Last Night of the Emily Rose by Ranger The Mockingbird by Rolf and Ranger Fan...
CONJONCTIVE : EP 9 Mar 2012 | 06:16 am
Format: EP - Year: 2012 Country: Switzerland - Genre: Deathcore Myspace / Facebook Emily Rose Pray For Redemption
Top 10 Worst Theological or Mythological Demons 10 Sep 2010 | 09:11 pm
Whether you are religious or not, demons have played a large part in mythology, books, movies, and even music. Films, such as “Paranormal Activity”, “The Exorcist”, “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”, “F...
HAVEN 3ª TEMPORADA 21 Jan 2013 | 12:30 pm
Adaptación televisiva de la novela The Colorado Kid de Stephen King. Esta serie se centra en la agente de FBI Audrey Parker, que interpreta Emily Rose, que llega a la localidad de Haven en Maine, para...
Haven : 1º a 3º Temporadas Completas (HDTV) (2010) ATUALIZADO 27 Jul 2013 | 09:12 am
Torrent e legenda 1º a 3º Temporadas Completas Sinopse : História que gira em torno de Audrey Parer (Emily Rose), uma agente do FBI que chega na cidade de Haven, no Maine, para solucionar o assassina...