Most emule kad not connecting related news are at:

[轉貼]神一般的自拍 27 Aug 2013 | 04:05 pm
看倌們~請看照張自拍照........:o 磕頭膜拜吧..........:cool:
[轉貼]做壞事的小貓 27 Aug 2013 | 06:01 am
被發現了,還故作鎮定.... 把抽屜推回去.:(4
More emule kad not connecting related news:
nodes.dat for aMule/eMule’s Kad 30 May 2008 | 12:46 pm
Versione italiana: nodes.dat: Kad su aMule/eMule The nodes.dat file is required to start a Kad (Kademlia) connection under eMule or aMule. It stores the ips of other users (kad nodes) who share their...
How to login to your server using SSH in PuTTY. 15 Apr 2012 | 01:37 pm
PuTTY is a free telnet and open source terminal emulator. I often use PuTTY to connect to my server for some reasons like creating a backup files, running simple scripts, deleting, moving files, and e...
HOWTO Configuring Emule 0:50: Tip for Wireless connections 29 May 2012 | 05:06 pm
Well, as many know, who uses eMule and internet radio knows the hell that is to use some program that requires fixed IP, dynamic or TCP / IP real. The connection always has one of the hells, good, but...
Azureus, eMule, Bittorrent Can All Lead To Identity Theft 6 Jan 2011 | 07:48 am
P2P networks have been under a lot of scrutiny for years, ever since Metallica got fed up with Napster. P2P software, such as Azureus, eMule, and Bittorrent, allows you to connect to computers all ove...
Tip for connections Configuring Emule 0:50 in Wireless 29 May 2012 | 05:06 pm
Well, as many know, who uses eMule and internet radio knows the hell that is to use some program that requires fixed IP, dynamic or TCP / IP real. The connection always has one of the hells, good, but...
Whats is EMule ? 17 Dec 2006 | 12:14 pm
eMule is a peer-to-peer file sharing application that works with both the eDonkey network and the Kad network. The distinguishing features of eMule are the direct exchange of sources between client n...
Android App Inventor Error: INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE 9 Nov 2010 | 03:15 pm
When you try to start App Inventor on an Android phone and get the following error: App Inventor is having trouble communicating with the phone. If you believe you have a connected phone or emulator...
eMule 0.49b: better Kad handling 25 Aug 2008 | 02:25 am
Versione italiana: eMule 0.49b: supporto al Kad sempre migliore I’ve said it before: the future for eMule is serverless. And the new eMule release (0.49b) demonstrates it: a bootstrap nodes.dat, kade...
Kad network (serverless) for eMule / aMule 1 Jun 2008 | 12:12 pm
Versione italiana: Kad su aMule / eMule The Kad network (kademlia) lets you contact other eMule or aMule clients without servers (so, is more RIAA-proof than ed2k network). But the first connection t...
Best ed2k / eMule (aMule) server list 31 May 2008 | 02:54 am
Versione italiana: server eMule After last year’s Donkey Server shutdown, people began to worry about eMule’s fate: “Will eMule end?”. The first answer could be: use kad alone (serverless solution). ...