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美心西餅新app儲優惠 Happy Card會員買嘢更抵 27 Aug 2013 | 04:16 pm
生日不只是在Facebook留個言就算,應該買一個蛋糕,與朋友慶祝一下。美心西餅最近就推出新app,讓大家買西餅時,可以儲優惠。要成為美心Happy Card會員,於美心西餅消費滿HK$50以上,就可拿到Happy card。然後,再用Happy Card在app中登記,就可以開始儲優惠。 有關的優惠可以在上面看到,如有更改,恕不另行通知,請向相關品牌查詢。有興趣相關apps,可按此到App St...
Facebook可以建立分享相簿 朋友一齊上載相片 27 Aug 2013 | 03:15 pm
Facebook最近正在推出一項新功能,就是建立可分享的相簿,率先用到的用家為英文介面的用家。用家在建立新相簿後,可以設定成可分享的相簿,以及配合公開、朋友的朋友、朋友的私隱設定,讓其他人也可以把相片上載至這個相簿中。 過往用家建立新相簿後,其他朋友是不可以把相片新增至有關相簿,加入此新功能後,情況就已經改變。舉例來說,用家和朋友去旅行後,就可以由用家建立一個相簿,除了自己上載相片外,其他朋友也可...
More enable battery percentage related news:
The first NFC appliance 28 Jun 2011 | 10:52 am
Nokia has announced the Play 360°, a portable speaker that on the surface looks like a fairly ordinary bluetooth-enabled, battery powered speaker system. The interesting bit is that this is the first...
Smart TV Remote Control Based on CSR µEnergy® Platform Debuts at IBC 2012 7 Sep 2012 | 01:00 pm
CSR and SMK to demonstrate Smart TV Remote Control – advanced, cutting-edge functionality, with ultra-low power consumption enabling “batteries for life” operation
How to see battery percentage on iPhone / iPad / iPod 10 Sep 2012 | 06:32 pm
Its sometimes very useful to know the exact remaining battery percentage on your iPhone and iPad or iPod. It helps you better manage your phone usage to preserve the battery and plan better. The batte...
RFID News Roundup 20 Jun 2013 | 09:00 am
Savi releases next-generation active RFID tags; Farsens unveils new RFID-enabled, battery-free pressure sensor tag; Secura Key launches multi-reader access control panel; European Commission clears Ho...
Battery not charging 20 Aug 2013 | 04:35 am
What does it mean when my MacBook recognizes that it's plugged into the adapter but says "Battery Not Charging?" The orange light on the magsafe is on, and occasionally the battery percentage goes up ...
Battery not charging 20 Aug 2013 | 04:35 am
What does it mean when my MacBook recognizes that it's plugged into the adapter but says "Battery Not Charging?" The orange light on the magsafe is on, and occasionally the battery percentage goes up ...
Enable inverted mode in Android ICS 22 May 2012 | 02:30 am
In the search for longer battery life, inverting the screen colors has been debated for a great number of years. With most modern displays, enabling inverted mode will save battery life. This is most ...
Reviews for Battery Monitor Mini Pro 11 Jan 2012 | 03:41 am
Editors Reviews for Battery Monitor Mini Pro Android device is famous for its quick battery drain problem. By default, most android device do not show the percentage of battery available in number. It...
Tips for Maintianing your Battery 27 Feb 2012 | 01:05 pm
As many people who use solar panels and other renewable sources of energy will testify, the deep cycle battery is a must have. It enables you to store energy to be used at a later time and is one of t...
Tips for Shopping for a Battery 24 Feb 2012 | 10:55 am
The solar power system is finally up and set up in your home, but that essential component is still missing; a deep cycle battery that will power up the whole system and enable you to use the sun’s en...