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Error Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_TIMEOUT Pada XAMPP 4 Dec 2012 | 07:22 pm
Jika Anda mengalami error seperti ini Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_TIMEOUT – assumed ‘CURLOPT_TIMEOUT’ pada XAMPP itu dikarenakan Curl belum di enable. Cara meng-enable curl pada XAMPP adalah edi...
How to Check if Curl is Enabled (Linux Centos SSH Command) 19 Jan 2010 | 02:41 am
I need to enable curl on hte server but don't know how to do it can you tell me how to do please thanks
Vấn đề khi lần đầu tiên install Magento với Xampp 28 Feb 2011 | 05:38 pm
Chào các bạn hôm nay mình xin chia sẻ 1 số vấn đề khi các bạn lần đầu Install Magento với Xampp Các vần để mà các bạn gặp phải khi lần đầu Install là Enable Curl , valid URL (Magento 1.5.x) , Time ou...
Enabling CURL in PHP (PHP.ini, WAMP, XAMPP, Ubuntu) 13 Jun 2012 | 03:50 am
Read the original article by bandertron at Enabling CURL in PHP (PHP.ini, WAMP, XAMPP, Ubuntu) Enabling php_curl in PHP In this quick tip tutorial we’re looking at how to enable CURL in PHP. I’ve in...
Mengaktifkan CURL pada XAMPP windows 30 Jun 2012 | 11:09 pm
CURL atau dapat di sebut juga dengan Client URL merupakan salah satu tool dalam pemograman PHP yang berfungsi sebagai alat bantu transfer file dengan syntaks URL yang melalui bermacam-macam protokol s...
How to enable curl in ubuntu? 7 Nov 2011 | 08:28 pm
To enable curl package php5-curl should be installed. Run the following command in your terminal sudo apt-get install php5-curl Now restart apache by running following code sudo /etc/init.d/apache2...
onArcade system requirements 9 Dec 2011 | 03:35 pm
System requirements PHP 4.4+ MySQL 4.1+ Recommended PHP 5.2+ PHP allow_url_fopen enabled or cURL GD library with FreeType library mod_rewrite mod_expires
How to enable rewrite module in XAMPP, WAMP and Apache 4 Mar 2009 | 04:15 pm
If you are using XAMPP or WAMP as your web server, you may face a common problem that is the rewrite module (mod_rewrite) does not work properly. It is because the rewrite module is not enabled by def...
Konfigurasi server Localhost Windows (XAMPP) 5 May 2011 | 03:55 pm
Catatan saya kali ini bagaimana cara konfigurasi server localhost windows menggunakan XAMPP. Dalam catatan ini, saya ingin menuliskan bagaimana cara mengaktifkan PHP Curl, dan cara install Ioncube pad...
cURL on Local WAMP Returns Empty! (Solved) 28 May 2011 | 01:58 am
Okay so let me first clarify this is not specific to WAMP server but may well be an issue there as well. XAMPP may also have this problem but I don’t know because I don’t use it. I installed each Apac...