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– ieatishootipost: Singapore Food Reviews and Recipes
CUT: Kobe Beef -- Finally! 27 Aug 2013 | 08:17 am
Kobe Sirloin 170g $230, Kobe Ribeye 230g $310, Kobe Filet Migon 170g $250 Kobe beef was one of the foods on my list of things to eat before I leave this mortal sphere. There has been a ban on the ex...
Chai Ho Satay: Cheap and Good! 23 Aug 2013 | 06:45 am
Pork and Chicken Satay 38 cents each I have always loved satay. As a kid, satay was the easiest, tastiest thing to eat. In those days, it seemed to be a regular feature at every coffeeshop you vis...