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Don’t Ignore the Impact of Judicial Discretion on the Outcome and Cost of Trial 25 Feb 2012 | 09:56 am
Discretion is the better part of valor, a phrase that can be traced to a 15th Century English writer named Caxton, became part of the English vernacular after the publication of William Shakespeare’s ...
my english exam 22 Jan 2010 | 10:33 am
Name of the game: Rooster fight Developmental domain: psychomotor domain Aim: Being able to do movements which requires balance. Quantity of players: What class size is Age average: 5-6 Area the ...
Download CnWizards / دانلود نسخه ی جدید CnWizards 27 Jul 2009 | 12:05 am
CnWizards ===================== 1. What is CnWizards? ===================== CnWizards is CnPack's main products, with the English full name 'CnPack IDE Wizards'. It's a free plug-in too...
Miss Bimperl 29 Jan 2011 | 05:11 pm
Ziggy, Debbie’s Ruby Cavalier Ziggy has informed me that “Mozart had an English Terrier named “Miss Bimperl” often called “Bimps” which translates to Spot.” Who would have guessed he’d have had a do...
Helo! / Zdravo ! 26 May 2009 | 08:47 am
Hello, first sory for my bad english! My name is Mujo Mujic and im form little but beautiful town Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Im 24 years old, meried and i have little son. Im working vith Adobe P...
English blog launched...! 1 Jan 2011 | 05:47 pm
I started my English blog, named "Ishan's way" , yesterday ( on 16th of January 2011). You can visit it by using .
Non-english domain naming issues in programming 31 Mar 2009 | 04:55 am
This is a problem I’ve been thinking a good deal about lately, without really coming to any conclusion, maybe because there is no right way. The issue can be summed up fairly easily, but it does betra...
Tempesta di Ragnarok 6 Aug 2010 | 02:49 am
Storm of Ragnarok è il terzo set di OCG di settima serie dopo {ln:starstrike-blast-lista-carte 'Starstrike Blast}. English Set Name: Storm of Ragnarok Japanese Set Name: ストーム・オブ・ラグナロク OCG Set Order: ...
Duelist Pack 11: Crow 3 Sep 2010 | 11:00 am
Il Duelist Pack 11: Crow contiene diverse carte {ln:Alanera} usate da {ln:Crow Hogan} Japanese Set Name: デュエリストパック -クロウ編 English Set Name: Duelist Pack: Crow OCG Set Prefix: DP11 OCG Release Date: 16...
Duelist Pack 10: Yusei Fudo 3 3 Sep 2010 | 11:00 am
Il Duelist Pack 10: Yusei Fudo 3 conterrà 8 nuove carte usate da {ln:Yusei Fudo} Japanese Set Name: デュエリストパック -遊星編3- English Set Name: Duelist Pack: Yusei Fudo 3 OCG Set Prefix: DP10 OCG Release Date...