Most enid blyton books related news are at:

Final post to the Secret Blog 5 Jul 2009 | 07:10 am
Yes, you read correctly -- this is the final post to the Secret Blog. Recently, all my attention has been on writing, and on my book Island of Fog, and I've been repeating these posts over at Unearthl...
Thumbs up from Piers Anthony 8 Jun 2009 | 07:14 am
A few weeks ago I sent an email to Piers Anthony, the successful sci-fi/fantasy author best known for his magical Xanth series. A quick potted history: I started reading Piers Anthony's books way back...
More enid blyton books related news:
Famous Five book giveaway – win lashings of books! 6 Aug 2010 | 01:53 am
I was raised on Enid Blyton. Reading was my constant companion, and a battered Enid Blyton book became almost a permanent extension of my hand. I don’t care what the grammar police say about her, or t...
What Dads do Better 27 Aug 2013 | 05:06 pm
Kids with their Dad at their playful best The dads in Enid Blyton books are gruff, distant, grumbling geniuses around whom children have to tiptoe. American sitcoms present dads as bumbling,...
Antique Diary 2011 20 Jan 2011 | 08:47 pm
Antique diaries, so gorgeous! Love the interior of the planner the most, so dreamy and true to its theme! Brings us back to our old Enid Blyton days :') rm62
Balanço de leitura 2009 7 Jan 2010 | 12:18 pm
Livros lidos: Emprestados: 14 Meus livros: 26 Total: 40 Nº de autores lidos Sexo Masculino: 11 Sexo Feminino: 24 Autores mais lidos: 1. Enid Blyton (4 livros) 2. Rosamunde Pilcher (3 livros) 3. Mary...
Book Babble 31 Oct 2010 | 12:38 am
Taking this up from Chinkurli: Favorite childhood book? And I'm stuck already. Do I choose from Enid Blyton, Anne of Green Gables or Little Women? Decisions decisions ... What are you reading right ...
Clodagh’s 50: Drink ginger beer 15 Apr 2012 | 10:24 pm
I did. I drank ginger beer. And it was … meh. I’m not a fan of sugary soft drinks, but somehow I thought ginger beer would be different. I can probably blame Enid Blyton for that – plus the fact th...
The Book Tag 2 Dec 2010 | 07:58 pm
Cut, copied and pasted from my FB note: The Channel One gang tagged me and I enter the scene a month later :) 1. Favorite childhood book? Enid Blyton. I still have Blyton’s works on my comp. Famous ...
Fünf Freunde 5: Geheime Mission M.A.G.-X 31 Jul 2010 | 04:58 am
--- GAST-UPLOAD --- Beschreibung: Die "Fünf-Freunde"-Reihe von Enid Blyton gehört zu den absoluten Kinderbuch-Klassikern, und auch auf dem PC feiern die pfiffigen Kids seit geraumer Zeit Riesenerfolg...
[Verfilmung] Die Fünf Freunde – aus alt mach neu 1 Feb 2012 | 04:49 am
Seit vergangenem Donnerstag gibt es im Kino eine weitere Adaption der Buchreihe „Die Fünf Freunde“ von Enid Blyton. Es handelt sich beim Auftakt der Reihe, um Band sechs der Bücher, in dem es um die F...
The Book List: Books you loved as a child (Mar 23) 27 Apr 2010 | 03:35 am
The Book List Meme is a weekly event hosted by Rebecca @ Lost In Books. This week's theme is about books you loved as a child. My picks are: 1) pretty much anything Enid Blyton (plus the later book...