Most environmental impact of japan tsunami related news are at:

Buying a water tank? Other fittings & accessories you may need 25 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
If you are in the market for water tanks, there are possibly a number of other items that you may need to buy too, depending on the intended use of the tanks. Many water tanks come standard with a fe...
Green hotel recycles grey water & has rain water tanks 24 Aug 2013 | 10:06 pm
Large buildings such as hotels often have huge rooftops, ideal for collection vast quantities of rainwater. Other large buildings such as hospitals, schools, warehouses and factories also often have ...
More environmental impact of japan tsunami related news:
Tough times for Japan’s Economy post Eearthquake Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis 29 Apr 2011 | 02:19 am
The impact of devastated earth quake and tsunami has not only made a disaster for the people but also pushed the Japanese economy in the harder times. The third largest economy of the world is now all...
Webinar - Fukushima and Nuclear Power: Can we live without it? 21 Jun 2011 | 05:12 am
Live Webcast June 29, 3 PM ET / 12 PM PT Following the earthquake and tsunamis that tragically impacted Japan in March, the unfolding crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has captured public a...
Tough times for Japan’s Economy post Eearthquake Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis 28 Apr 2011 | 10:19 pm
The impact of devastated earth quake and tsunami has not only made a disaster for the people but also pushed the Japanese economy in the harder times. The third largest economy of the world is now all...
Tsunami Debris? 26 Oct 2012 | 01:11 am
Every year, marine debris from a number of sources washes up on coastlines around the world. Along with impacting tens of thousands of lives, the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011...