Most environmental news related news are at:

2,117,931 Cigarettes 27 Aug 2013 | 01:13 am
It’s strange to think I went an entire summer without writing a single blog relating to the beach, or as we say in New Jersey, the shore. For many people visiting the ocean is a quintessential summer...
Transform Your Junk into Amazing Masterpieces 24 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
By Guest Contributor: Anne Staley Artists are a strange breed. I say that not because they have a stereotypical image of being mavericks, but because of their ability to see art in the most common an...
More environmental news related news:
Weekly environmental news, Aug 25-31 2 Sep 2006 | 12:22 pm
California agrees on global warming bill Rich nations' greenhouse gases up, despite Kyoto Ice Age gives clues to global warming World Bank logs largest ever greenhouse gas deal Dam broken to restore C...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 18-24 26 Aug 2006 | 12:30 pm
Experts call for change in global water management [AFP] Ozone layer on the mend but recovery delayed [Reuters] U.S. wind energy on the rise [Business Week] Food, biofuels could worsen water shortages...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 11-17 19 Aug 2006 | 12:33 pm
Greenland ice cap may be melting at triple speed [New Scientist] Rich countries, like poor, face water crisis: WWF [Reuters] Necessity mother of invention in gas-fuelled Armenia [Reuters] Global warmi...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 4-10 12 Aug 2006 | 01:03 pm
Swiss mountain crumbles under hot climate [Reuters] Questions about Lights Out Hong Kong [AFP] China to let tourists hunt endangered species [Reuters] Tsunami boosts illegal Indonesia logging [AP] Aci...
Poll: Overwhelming majority of Americans want better environmental news coverage 20 Apr 2012 | 07:05 pm
Photo via Flickr: NS Newsflash Why is it that 97 percent of climate scientists believe that global warming is man-made, yet only 40 percent of Americans agree? It looks like we finally have someone t...
Eskom to cut water use by 260bn litres 25 Jun 2012 | 06:39 pm
Green news update: Keep up to date with your environmental news here. Remember CleverGreen specialise in practical systems such as Grey Water Systems, Rain Water Harvesting, Multi Flush among others....
Green jobs in the pipeline 12 Jun 2012 | 12:30 pm
Green News Update: Keep up to date with your environmental news here. Remember CleverGreen specialise in practical systems such as Grey Water Systems, Rain Water Harvesting, Multi Flush among others....
Interesting Environmental News 11 Oct 2012 | 12:08 am
Are tomatoes losing their taste? There is a strong perception that old varieties of tomatoes that were allowed to ripen in the land were tastier than modern tomatoes are. Recent genetic studies now c...
Environmental News Put on Back Burner? 18 Mar 2013 | 01:59 am
Recently, the NY Times announced it would be discontinuing their “Green Blog” immediately. This followed a move a short time ago when they closed their “Environment Desk”. The LA Times has been puttin...
new bees, (not the) same as the old bees 7 Apr 2013 | 07:19 am
There are times when the environmental news is so bad I wonder if there’s any way to stop the harm that is being done to our shared life—and I say shared life because that’s what our earth is: our b...