Most epic comic book series related news are at:

Random Acts of Insightfulness #4 – Mark Lawrence, or The Writer of Thorns 29 Mar 2013 | 12:58 am
Though my posting has decreased significantly due to a variety of factors. I’ve kept thoughts of what NR is, was, and can be in the future constantly on my mind. Obviously, I would love to be able to ...
Why Do People Steal My Ideas Before I Have a Chance to Profit From Them, or HarperTeen Impulse and Some Wise Words from Cory Doctorow 28 Nov 2012 | 12:15 am
On Sunday HarperTeen announced the launch of a digital imprint called HarperTeen Impulse. The title of the NY Times article says it all…HarperCollins Imprint Aims at Lucrative Young Adult Market. The ...
More epic comic book series related news:
A Titanium Rain Change, Crazy Mary, & Grieving for The Dead 3 Apr 2012 | 01:34 am
A Few Updates: A Titanium Rain change: Above is a link to a news article about the audio comic of Titanium Rain Vol. !; an amazing graphic novel/ comic book series by Josh Finney and Kat Rocha. I revi...
Review – Kick-Ass 31 Mar 2010 | 09:08 pm
Kick-Ass, based on the comic book series by Mark Millar and directed by the brilliant Matthew Vaughn (Layer Cake, Stardust), hit cinemas on Friday 26th March across the UK. It tells the story of Dave...
The Spirit 13 Jul 2008 | 06:34 pm
Adapted from the comic book series created by Will Eisner, "The Spirit" is a classic action-adventure-romance written for the screen and directed by Frank Miller. The film surrounds a former ro...
Brian Michael Bendis - Award Winning Comic Book Writer 11 Feb 2012 | 09:50 pm
Brian Michael Bendis is a critically-acclaimed writer who is well known for his self-published Image and Marvel comic book series. He is responsible for many Marvel Crossovers in the mainstream superh...
Upcoming Tie-In Games For PC 19 Apr 2012 | 12:45 am
Any time there is a popular movie, TV show, or comic book series it is a good bet there will be at least one tie-in video game made. Like with any adaptation, the quality of these games varies dramati...
THE WALKING DEAD [2010] - INDONESIAN 4 Nov 2010 | 11:54 pm
THE WALKING DEAD - IMDB The Walking Dead is an American television series developed for television by Frank Darabont and based upon the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moor...
All-new SpongeBob comic book series! 9 Feb 2011 | 04:19 am
The spirit of Nickelodeon Magazine lives on with brand-new SpongeBob comics edited by Chris Duffy and published by United Plankton Productions and Bongo Comics! SpongeBob Comics #1 features 32 pages ...
Paramount Buys Rights to DC’s THE MIGHTY 3 Jun 2011 | 01:50 pm
Deadline reports that Paramount Pictures has bought the rights to DC’s THE MIGHTY. This is the comic book series that is written by Peter J. Tomasi and Keith Champagne. A good- bad guy kind of story, ...
Smallville Season 11 is almost here! 12 Apr 2012 | 08:24 pm
The Smallville Season 11 comic book series is almost here! The first digital release is coming tomorrow (April 13). Each “chapter” will be $0.99 and then the first three chapters will be released with...
Max Payne 3 comic series coming from Marvel 18 Apr 2012 | 03:38 pm
An original three-part Max Payne 3 comic book series from Marvel Comics is set to release as a digital graphic novel and in limited print, Rockstar Games announced today. Written by Dan Houser and R....