Most episcopal cafe blog related news are at:

6 bishops visit the Archbishop of Canterbury 27 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
The Rt Rev. Michael Smith, Bishop of the Diocese of North Dakota writes to the Communion Partners regarding the visit of 6 bishops to the Archbishop of Canterbury. He references the ABC's Mexico sermo...
Another day, another miracle 27 Aug 2013 | 01:06 pm
Reflection on Mark 7:32-37, Thomas Gallaudet with Henry Winter Syle In today’s gospel lesson Mark, Jesus is at it again. This time he restores the hearing of a deaf man. This is right after raising a...
More episcopal cafe blog related news:
To Welcome You (or Welcome Back) to Cassoulet Cafe 19 Nov 2011 | 02:27 pm
Below was my very first story about France on Cassoulet Cafe Blog, a few years ago already! I'm going to recommence my blog with this post for those who are new here...Enjoy! I have so many things t...
Morning Roundup 05/28/13: Responding to Graffiti; Cooperative vs. Autonomous Churches; What Day Changed Christian History; Redeemable Masculinity 28 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
I thought this was pretty awesome... Responding to Graffiti with Consideration -- Episcopal Cafe Grace Episcopal Church in Randolph, NY found scrawled graffiti on the side of its church: "can I stil...
SF/F/H Link Post for 2013-08-27 27 Aug 2013 | 10:05 am
Interviews & Profiles Book View Cafe Blog interviews Brenda W. Clough. My Shelf Confessions interviews ML Brennan. Lawrence M. Schoen interviews Jennifer Estep. The Skiffy and Fanty Show interview...
Pool&Darts Cafe “side” Open! 23 Mar 2012 | 04:24 am
3/20 練馬区桜台に Pool&Darts Cafe “side” がオープンしました! 練馬区桜台1-8-2ニュー桜台ビルB1 03-6914-8975 新店オープンは嬉しいニュースですねー 駅前だし遠くの方も是非w Blog : Twitter :!/re...
Mr Green’s 2nd Birthday! 16 Feb 2012 | 07:18 am
Damn son! It’s been two years since the birth of this blog. Man has it been an exciting ride. So much crazy stuff has happened, both good and bad. I’m sitting in a cafe in Italy and have limited time...
Just Like Me- Cafe Au Lait 29 Sep 2011 | 07:25 am
I just released another Just Like me blog series! This one is titled Cafe Au Lait, This two column template comes with characters with the option of blonde, brunette, black & red hair. Each hair colo...
Japan Blog List : Mar 2012 Updates 3 Apr 2012 | 01:05 am
This months blogs added to the Japan Blog List Marina's Tokyo Cafe Marina writes about her life in Tokyo, Japanese Culture and she features recipes and videos from her Japanese Kitchen. The Japan Bu...
Cookies de Chocolate, Café e Nozes 12 Apr 2012 | 12:38 am
Quando entrei no Blog do Chef Haruki e vi estes Cookies, decidi que seria a próxima receita doce a experimentar. Para vos elucidar do meu grau de satisfação em relação a estes "pedaços de céu", diria ...
Tener hijos ayuda a convivir mejor con la crisis 26 May 2012 | 04:26 am
(Esto es un cross-post, está publicado también en el blog Los nenes son la pera). En los medios, en los cafés, por la calle…la pregunta que más se oye es: ¿Cuándo acabará la crisis? Pensaba hoy que ... Google Seslisayfam Kelimesinde Son Durak 28 May 2012 | 07:14 pm
Merhaba Arkadaşlar Ben Blog Sitemin Son islemlerini Yaparak işime Burda Son veriyorum Suan Bu icerigi yazdigim Yer İzmir Konak Normal bir internet cafe’den yaziyorum Google’d...