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Flashy Pintabian Black Bay Tobiano 27 Aug 2013 | 09:53 am
Registered as a 1/2 Arabian, but really 99.6 Arabian blood. Nice colt, very correct confirmation, calm temperament, has one blue eye. This horse would be a great children's horse since he is so laid ...
Flashy Spotted Kentucky Moutain Horse 27 Aug 2013 | 09:35 am
This mare is very gentle and is an great trail horse. She does gait most of the time, but needs more miles under her to season her stride. She is very smart, is a quick learner and can even open latc...
More equine related news:
Abnormal Heart Rate Readings During Exercise 11 Apr 2012 | 07:48 am
FAQs\General Technical info Heart Rate Monitors CS100 CS100b CS200 CS200cad CS300 CS400 CS500 CS500 Tour de France CS500+ CS600 CS600 with Power CS600X CS600X with Power E40 E600 Equine CS600X Trottin...
Health care Executive Prospecting - Wager around the Equine or even the Jockey? 16 Mar 2012 | 07:47 pm
Experience breeds intuition if this involves health care executive prospecting. Do you use it for equine racing too? I won't make an effort to prove whether experience enhances your outcome in the tra...
THE CUP (2011) 13 Mar 2012 | 01:01 am
A movie about a 2002 Melbourne Cup equine race. Download: password : megahotfire
Camie Marion: Portraits: People, Pets, Equine and More 12 Jan 2011 | 03:33 am
Camie with her beloved Dash I am pleased to announce the opening of our new website: Camie Marion: Portraits: People, Pets, Equine and More. The url is As I have sai...
Cours de tourisme équestre 18 Nov 2010 | 03:43 am
Cycle de cours de tourisme équestre; hiver 2010 2011 Le 28 novembre 2010 Bourrellerie. Début d’un cycle de 5 cours . Les techniques de randonnée équestre: Secourisme équin Maréchalerie Matelotage Bour...
Signs Of Knee Ligament Damage 28 May 2012 | 03:19 pm
Effectively Support the Equine Suspensory Ligament During Rehabilitation After an Injury Located between the flexor tendon and the cannon bone, the suspensory ligament supports the lower limb of a ho...
Proven Methods To Plan For The Cross Country Jumps Today 21 May 2012 | 03:03 am
There are many different ways to enjoy all your spare time with your trustworthy equine. You may not be the overtly adventurous type and merely need to relax and enjoy the time with your horse. Some i...
Equine Family Fun Day 20 Mar 2012 | 05:09 pm
FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY- EVENTS FOR ALL AGES. Saturday June 16th 2012 Equine Family Fun Day, This has been a long time coming, come out and bring the kids and their horses, Events include, Pole Bend...
Funny Creative Horseshoe Fashion 2 Feb 2012 | 09:36 pm
Funny Creative Horseshoe Fashion What a funny shoes design for people, It looks like the leg of equine. If you are excellent speed like equine than this funny horseshoe are ideal for you….lol
Bir at gribimiz eksikti 30 May 2012 | 04:59 pm
Türkiye Binicilik Federasyonu, Avrupa’nın bazı ülkelerinde görülen at gribi nedeniyle kulüpleri uyardı. Federasyonun ”Acil ve Önemli” ibareli açıklamasında, Avrupa’da tespit edilen at gribine (Equine...