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More eric jones golf related news:
Tourist Informantion – United States | Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail 17 Feb 2012 | 02:00 am
Tourist Informantion – United States | Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. In Alabama because of mild temperatures throughout the year, can enjoy golf in the state. Although there are many excellent golf c...
Review: "Audio" DVD by Eric Jones 1 Aug 2010 | 08:08 am
New Three Fly Sequence 26 Aug 2013 | 05:03 am
I've recently been working on a new three fly sequence to place in between two of Eric Jones' effects, Flash coins reli-t (FCRL) and the Oxy Clean Coin Routine (OCCR). I always thought that there was ...
Sebastian Dryan joined Magic's group 25 Aug 2013 | 04:21 am
Sebastian Dryan joined Magic's group Coin Magic by Eric jones This Coin & Money Magic Group & Forum is moderated by Eric Jones. Eric is a true mentor in Magic! Please feel free to join this group if...
SciPy 2013 Conference Recap 8 Jul 2013 | 10:06 pm
Author: Eric Jones Another year, another great conference. Man, this thing grew a ton this year. At final count, we had something like 340 participants which is way up from last year’s 200 or so att...
Introducing Enthought Canopy 12 Apr 2013 | 03:03 am
-Eric Jones, Enthought CEO Yesterday we launched Enthought Canopy, our next-generation, Python-based analysis environment and our follow-on to EPD. Since 2003, the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) ...
The Intervestor Review 3 May 2012 | 01:32 pm
The Intervestor Review coming up soon! Creators: Eric Roberts, Chris Jones + Cindy Battye, Launch Day: Tuesday, June 5th 2012
Intervestor 16 May 2012 | 06:30 am
Intervestor Review Product Creator: Chris Jones and Eric Roberts What is The Intervestor? The Intervestor is based on a simple principle we’re all familiar with from real estate investing: buy unde...
The Immaculate Avatar 28 Jan 2011 | 11:26 am
Nowhere in all of my reading and discussions of the sport of golf do I find as much reverence for a player past or present as that given to Bobby Jones.
Coltrane Forever 14 Dec 2010 | 10:45 am
Album: Olé Coltrane (1961) - John Coltrane Personnel: John Coltrane - soprano sax Eric Dolphy - flute Freddie Hubbard - trumpet McCoy Tyner - piano Reggie Workman - bass Art Davis - bass Elvin Jones -...