Most ernie et bert related news are at:

Therapy for Diabetes? 22 Jul 2013 | 09:42 pm
The UGDP scientists, when they began their study in 1960, had long known that diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels are somehow related and that diabetics frequently suffer blood vessel...
Looking For Essential Oils 11 Apr 2013 | 05:02 am
A lot of us are really looking for the best ways to lose weight and unwanted fat. There are many ways to do that now and one should keep in mind to only pick the best for them. It is important because...
More ernie et bert related news:
Ernie and Bert real life cosplay - Be Scared 24 Sep 2012 | 11:39 am
Ernie and Bert, how could you appear at comic con so real looking?! SO REAL LOOKING! NO IRL for you. But seriously, its nice to meet you finally after inspiring such a happy childhood of sharing a roo...
A amizade de Ernie e Bert 20 Jul 2013 | 11:23 pm
The New Yorker, 08.07.2013, detalhe A New Yorker sabia que estava a alimentar a polémica ao repescar a imagem controversa de Jack Hunter, de 2012, para a capa do último número da revista. A influênci...
Bert & Ernie ~ Porch Pumpkins 2009 27 Oct 2010 | 03:58 pm
Bert & Ernie ~ Porch Pumpkins 2009 Originally uploaded by Angie Naron Best idea ever.
Sesame Street’s Claim: Bert and Ernie are Not Gay 14 Aug 2011 | 03:40 am
The biggest debate at the bar last night: Are Bert and Ernie gay? I’ll back up: Over the past month there have been online petitions asking for Sesame Street muppets Bert and Ernie to come out as a g...
Can You Tell Me How To Get 25 Oct 2008 | 12:59 pm
I was watching Play With Me Sesame on PBS Kids the other day. I think it's a spinoff of Sesame Street because it doesn't have any humans and there are only Grover, Prairie Dawn, Bert and Ernie singing...
Retour d'expérience au JUG Toulouse 24 Apr 2011 | 01:06 am
Jeudi dernier, avec mon compère Bert, nous avons animé un retour d'expérience au JUG de Toulouse. Il était question de Flex, de Spring, d'Hibernate et de chats. Nous avons été très bien accueillis pa...
Bert en Ernie op de motor 30 Jan 2006 | 09:26 am
Anke had een heel speciale vraag:Een kleurplaat van Bert en Ernie op de motor met zijspan. Bert en Ernie op de motor is a post from
Madurodam 1 Sep 2009 | 08:55 am
17 augustus 2009 Vandaag zijn we naar Madurodam geweest. De kleine huisjes vond ik niet zo interessant, nee, papa en mama zeiden dat Bert en Ernie kwamen. Dat vond ik pas gaaf. En leuk was het. Eerst...
Jour de la terre : dimanche 3 juin 30 May 2012 | 10:00 am
Randonnée à 9 heures (12 km) et stands et animations de 14 à 18 heures, au parc Paul-Bert. Les sens en éveil, venez savourer le café citoyen, ou bien encore les chansons vagabondes du groupe "Comme à ...
27 | 2011 – André-Geor... 4 Aug 2011 | 10:00 am
André-Georges Haudricourt (1911-1996) La matière du monde Préface [Texte intégral] Jean-François Bert, Barbara Niederer et Alban Bensa Haudricourt, un marginal philosophe antiphilosophe [Texte in...