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More error 1600 itunes related news:
Ayuda no se que hice iphone 3G, 8g 25 Apr 2012 | 05:24 pm
trate de restaurar el iphone desde itunes me aparecio el error 1015, trate de restaurarlo con la version que tenia(4.1) y ahora me aparece error 1600 y se queda en modo duf, al volverlo a poner solo ...
An Unknown Error Occurred – iTunes Error 5002 14 Nov 2012 | 05:12 am
An Unknown Error Occurred – iTunes Error 5002 andre “It just works”, or so Apple claims, or maybe they weren’t referring to the iTunes store? Whatever the case, the darn thing doesn’t let me purchase...
Disponibile iOS 7 beta6, corretto iTunes nella nuvola 16 Aug 2013 | 12:32 pm
Apple ha da poco rilasciato iOS 7 beta 6. Questo aggiornamento serve più che altro a correggere un errore di iTunes nella nuvola, di fatti il “peso” dell’aggiornamento supera di poco i 13mb. In una ....
Error 42110 iTunes in PC! 31 Jul 2013 | 04:46 pm
This is a completely meaningless error. It appears after the computer to computer library transfer process completes. The requested process interrupts with the following error message- An unknown err...
How-to Fix: The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly 8 Jul 2010 | 06:42 pm
A new error has started showing up when submitting iPhone Apps through iTunes Connect: “The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID S...
Apa anda pernah mengalami error 3194 pada saat proses restore iPad anda..???? Hal ini bisa terjadi jika iPad anda pernah di-jailbreak, sehingga host file berubah, dan mengarah ke Cydia. Alhasil iTune...
No puedo restaurar mi ipod (error 1418 y 1417) 21 Apr 2010 | 06:35 pm
Para salir a correr, uso una cochinadita llamada iPod Shuffle, que ya ustedes saben, es como el de la ilustración de arriba (el modelo anterior). Normalmente lo uso con el iTunes de Mac, pero quise s...
How to fix the issue “Your episodes are hosted on a server that doesn\’t support byte-range request 7 May 2012 | 08:35 pm
Podbean supports byte-range requests for iTunes . To fix this error, please publish at least one episode with iTunes supported file format , then try to submit your podcast again. It will be fine.
Nuevo firmware del iPhone/iTouch lanzado 6 Aug 2008 | 04:19 am
Esta actualización (Tan deseada por muchos) corrige errores, mejora la rapidez de los backups en iTunes y del teclado, que por ejemplo, en los SMS tardaba en escribir. Pesa 249MB. No actualices si te...
How to fix Network Connection Timed Out in iTunes- Error 3259 during iOS update 25 Dec 2010 | 07:10 am
Image via Wikipedia If you have landed on this page through a google search, I can very well understand how desperate you must be to fix this issue. Yes, I am talking about the Network Connection Tim...