Most etc network interfaces related news are at:

Despertador OSX 3 May 2013 | 06:06 pm
Un pequeño tip que me sirvió cuando me quedé sin batería (bueno y sin móvil) un día aciago: Stuck away from home with a dead mobile phone battery, I needed an alarm clock—no sign of it in Date and Tim...
How To: Getting Started with Amazon EC2 14 Feb 2011 | 05:18 am
Así.. sin valium y sin nada: Amazon EC2 is among the more potent items in Amazon’s web services arsenal. You’ve probably heard of many of the other services such as S3 for storage and FPS for payment...
More etc network interfaces related news:
Add a static IP to a Debian/Ubuntu box 28 Oct 2011 | 04:00 am
interfaces This tutorial describes how to permanently add any number of static IP addresses to a network interface from the console. Login as root and open /etc/network/interfaces in your favorite e...
Ubuntu Statik İp Atama 10 Apr 2012 | 12:34 am
Eğer Linux bir makinede ip yi sabitlemek isterseniz aşağıdaki yapılanmayı kullanabilirsiniz. sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
How to Set up IP on Linux Debian Server Console 10 Jan 2011 | 06:44 pm
To set up IP on Linux Debian, just edit file /etc/network/interfaces. How to edit? Hmmmm.... it's simple, just open interfaces file with nano. nano /etc/network/interfaces Just it... And, edit IP wh...
Tutorial Linux : Setting IP Address di Ubuntu 8 Jan 2011 | 12:55 am
1. Edit File /etc/network/interfaces #sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces File ini memuat konfigurasi IP yang akan digunakan oleh Network Interface yang terpasang pada suatu komputer. Selain alamat IP,...
BT5 R1 下VPN拨号 安装networkmanager 17 Feb 2012 | 08:18 pm
1,VPN拔号: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # apt-get install network-manager-gnome # apt-get install network-manager-pptp # apt-get install network-manager-vpnc # cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interf...
Bonding on debian lenny 6 Nov 2009 | 12:19 am
new way is described in /usr/share/doc/ifenslave-2.6/README.Debian /etc/network/interfaces iface bond0 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway 10.0.0...
Konfigurasi IP Address di Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 15 Nov 2012 | 01:55 pm
Untuk mengkonfigurasi jaringan, masukkan ip address yang dikehendaki pada file /etc/network/interface. Pastikan anda telah menjadi root dengan perintah sudo su root@ubuntu:/# pico /etc/network/inter...
Opsætning af OpenVPN med offentlige IP Adresser 21 Apr 2013 | 03:17 am
Jeg lægger ud med en nyinstalleret debian på og starter ud med at installere lidt grundlæggende værktøjer: [crayon-5174232e7a920/] Jeg redigerer /etc/network/interfaces [crayon-5174232...
Debian: IP-Adresse ändern 21 Apr 2013 | 01:07 am
Um die IP-Adresse eines Debian-Rechners zu ändern wird die neue Adresse zunächst in /etc/network/interfaces eingetragen. Zum Beispiel so: address Anschließend wird das Netzwerk neu ges...
Fixing Xen "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" issue with ifup on Debian when using network-bridge and static IP address 2 Aug 2012 | 03:02 pm
I recently spent a while trying to make my Xen bridged setup work on Debian with a static IP address so I thought I would share the solution to my problem. I had the following /etc/network/interfaces...