Most etsy and mica related news are at:

August Challenge Winners 10 Aug 2013 | 02:18 am
And the winners of the August Challenge are: Public Vote 1st place Rousseau inspired Goddess of the Jungle Teapot by Lisa of HiGirls 2nd place Abstract Dagger Tribal Necklace by Lorraine of Wired....
August Challenge Tribal-Goddess 1 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
This month our members celebrated nature with the theme Tribal/Goddess. It is great to see how each artist interpreted the theme. Entries had to meet the theme and be made from at least 50% polymer cl...
More etsy and mica related news:
A Tool's Tale 1 Feb 2012 | 08:30 pm
When Noah Sussman asked me to give a Code as Craft Technology Talk last week when I was consulting for Etsy I immediately said yes. However, I was a bit surprised when the talk was announced under the...
Self Portraits 9 Mar 2012 | 08:44 pm
First and foremost, welcome back to the Photographers of Etsy (POE) blog! We plan to keep things a little livelier around here, so be sure to come back soon and check in often. :) I'm not sure why ...
It's Open! 6 Nov 2010 | 06:08 am
My etsy shop is up and rolling! Right now, I just have a few headbands up, but I'm working on getting a lot more up for sale in the next bit. Go and check it out!
{etsy favorites} {mes préférés d'etsy} 10 Nov 2011 | 05:40 am
Since I oppened my mini shop, I've discovered all over again etsy. Here's my favorites shops: -oddly addictive -modern tree top baby -Wollybaby -amyperch -prettyplush -feltjar -imali -tenderbl...
TUTTI BUONA GENTE ?? 17 Oct 2010 | 04:35 pm
Este assunto não para. À cada dia surge uma nova polêmica sobre os blogs de moda. E o que não falta é diz-que-diz a respeito do assunto. Aos fashion insiders, inclusive, vale a pena ler a excelente ma...
I Think I Just Barfed A Little Bit In My Mouth. 16 May 2012 | 09:52 am
I was curious, I admit, when I saw this fuzzy little thing in the "ceramic" section on ETSY. Too curious. Overly curious. Regretfully curious. Because this fuzzy little thing isn't a needle-felted...
January Giveaway: Customized Modern Silhouette 4 Jan 2012 | 05:44 am
Happy 2012! Doren has decided to ring in the New Year with a new creative project! On my Etsy, you can send him a photo and choose a cute font and color to create the perfect silhouette! These are p...
New York Here I come! 28 May 2011 | 05:29 am
This Shalom Peace Scrabble tile pendant from Poem Weave Designs is similar to the one I got my niece for her Bat Mitzvah. She has lots of unique Hebrew pieces and cards on her Etsy shop. So the plann...
Lonny Magazine Sept-Oct Free Online Read for Home Decor Ideas 20 Sep 2011 | 08:22 pm
Lonny Magazine September October 2011 Issue It’s been so busy getting my fall decorative pillow collection finished and on the Etsy store shelves but I always take time to read the latest editions of...
Auditoría ETSI TS 101 456 v1.4.3 y ETSI TS 102 042 V2.1.1 13 Dec 2011 | 11:24 am
Albalia Interactiva lleva a cabo auditorías de Prestadores de Servicios de Certificación conforme a la norma CWA 14172-2 (EESSI Conformity Assessment Guidance – Part 2: Certification Authority service...