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More eve planetary interaction related news:
NEW Planet Explorer Macros 27 Jun 2010 | 02:13 am
As of version 2.4.0, EVE Pilot has a built-in Planetary Interaction (PI) addon. This is the first fully automatic planetary interaction bot for EVE Online and absolutely free for customers of EVE Pilo...
WH space 9 May 2012 | 10:24 am
Tegnap este kicsit bohóckodtam a Planetary Interaction miatt a szállítási kapacitásommal. Kiderült, hogy 3as skillel, 2 cargo expander riggel is simán elfér 21500 m3 cucc egy Badger II-ben. 5 darab gi...
EVE Pilot Released 1 Apr 2010 | 05:34 pm
We are proud to announce the start of the EVE Pilot - multiclient mining, planet interaction and station-to-station hauling bot. EVE Pilot is a bot for use with EVE Online that is capable of running ...
New Years Eve/Wells Christmas 9 Jan 2012 | 05:08 pm
On New Years Eve we got to celebrate Christmas with the Wells family because that was the weekend everyone could be together. It was fun seeing Avenlea interact with her cousin Wyatt. They totally loo...
Interview à propos de ma formation à Google Analytics 27 Jan 2009 | 10:25 pm
Juste un petit mot destiné à ceux qui s’intéressent aux web analytics : Eve Demange (freelance spécialisée dans l’écriture web) vient de mettre en ligne sur son blog Plume Interactive une interview co...
Google Homepage Christmas Doodle Sings Jingle Bells 25 Dec 2011 | 07:34 am
Google wishes you Merry Christmas Happy Holidays with an interactive Christmas Eve homepage doodle. You click on the lights, and notes play. Once you complete the “puzzle”, the Google letters animate,...
SCO members are overbusy 7 Jun 2012 | 09:21 pm
"SCO members are overbusy with pragmatic ideas," the product said. "They should follow to the regional experience and change interaction with else planetary organizations that hit mutual members." Mr...
Two adorable interactive children's books for kids two years old and up. In these narrated stories the reader takes part by progressing the story. Find hidden characters and unravel the secrets of eve...
Review & Giveaway: Divinity 27 Sep 2012 | 10:00 am
Divinity Patricia Leever Omnific Publishing September 25, 2012 Demons. They’re everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Chances are, you’ve interacted with one or two of them in your lifetime without eve...
CSM8 Representatives to Speak in UNI Guest Lectures 4 Jul 2013 | 07:24 pm
EVE University will soon host two public guest lectures and interactive Q&A sessions with Council of Stellar Management (CSM) representatives, Ali Aras and Mangala Solaris. Ali Aras will speak on Jul...