Most even than better expected related news are at:

"Senior Erotica"? Do we need it, want it? 16 Aug 2013 | 09:22 am
The anthology that became Ageless Erotica (Seal Press, 2013) had been a gleam in my eye for years. The older I got and the more erotica I read, the more I wished for erotica that reflected my age, my...
Condom, Lube Giveaways from Lucky Bloke 12 Aug 2013 | 10:11 pm
What do you do to make safer sex sexier? How does it enhance your sexual enjoyment rather than interfere with it? What is your safer sex policy with new lovers or with non-exclusive partners? Answer ...
More even than better expected related news:
Siri: Coming soon to iPad 3′s near you? 16 Feb 2012 | 10:00 pm
The iPad 3, or 2s, or whatever Apple decides to call it is going to be released in March. It will probably have a retina display, a better processor, maybe even a better camera. 2011 was year of the i...
Farmville Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 8 Quests 28 May 2012 | 04:40 pm
Zynga аnԁ farmVille have released the nеw Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 8 Quest! Anԁ frοm thіѕ, Now уου саn mаkе уουr farm even more better bу starting working οn thе nеw Quests. Expected duration οf thе ...
Chance to win 2 Porsches tax free 21 Aug 2011 | 02:59 pm
Who else wants to win a pair of Porsches (Totally Tax Free)? Head over to the 2011 Continental Tire Dream Giveaway and enter the raffle by ticket purchase. But even one better, I’m going to show you h...
Baby Gender Predictor Test 30 Jan 2012 | 12:35 pm
Is it a boy or a girl?" Without a doubt, this is the most popular question an expectant woman is asked. Even when many expectant parents try to be surprised the moment their infant comes into the worl...
How to use FireFox as a FTP Client? FireFTP Installation and Usage Guide 19 Apr 2012 | 03:57 am
Did you know you can use FireFox browser as a FTP Client? Yes, you can, just like FileZilla, or maybe it works even little better when its integrated with your personal browser. There is a power FTP ...
Saving Funds is Sensible Enterprise! 18 Jun 2011 | 10:11 pm
If you're wanting to do intelligent company, your place will often be the key to achievement! It is even much better getting an cost-effective spot to complete your business. Following you find that d...
tax is taxing 24 Jan 2011 | 08:12 pm
With everything the way it is at the moment I completely forgot I have a tax return due in n 1 week’s time. Not good, so am going to be even busier than expected! At least I will have something … Cont...
Past Christmas thoughts 14 Jan 2010 | 09:37 pm
2 weeks ago the Russian Demoversion of the game was released. The team has received alot of comments, even more than expected. Also, we have noticed people are intrested in the project not only in hi...
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE! 24 Dec 2010 | 06:01 pm
Wow, has it really been this long? I logged on this evening and truly expected to find that my blog had been deleted by Blogspot or Google or whoever the Blog Head Cheese happens to be! I was truly ec...
No Deposit Free Slots 9 Nov 2010 | 05:04 pm
Playing slots games even gets better when you can play the no deposit free slots bonuses. So many online casinos now are offering free play, free spins and free time on free slots games all of which i...