Most evil plans related news are at:

True Blood News 1 Jan 2012 | 05:20 am
Stay updated on True Blood all year around, –this blog is constantly updated, has all kinds of relevant, non-spammy information about the show, the cast, characters, and the crew. If it’s news, and it...
Tru Blood Beverage 30 Dec 2011 | 05:13 am
Just in case you need some collectible, novelty, incredibly over-priced blood orange soda! I know I do, –no no, I’m serious. I’d love a bottle of Tru Blood!
More evil plans related news:
Guide to King Leoric - The Skeleton King 14 Feb 2007 | 05:23 pm
BACKGROUND STORY Legend has it Leoric was a King of a kingdom of a forgotten past. He is valiant and noble in life only to die suddenly of a illness at his prime. As part of the Lich King’s evil plan...
Generals (as requested) 9 Jun 2009 | 11:24 am
Generals takes a big step back from the Command & Conquer series of old, focusing not on the machinations of one evil man with a super evil plan, but instead on more "realistic" global issues of today...
Bolt 17 Jan 2009 | 12:48 am
A girl named Penny and her dog Bolt star on a hit television series Bolt in which the titular character has various superpowers and must constantly thwart the evil plans of the nefarious Dr. Calico. B...
Blockade the Waterways; Gog of Magog's "EVIL PLAN" 9 May 2010 | 10:46 am
By Bill Salus In the summer of 2009 Russia and Iran, for the first time ever, conducted joint naval maneuvers in the Caspian Sea. In April 2010 Iran test fired five new coast-to-sea and sea-to-sea mi...
Los pimientos de Evil Plan PSN 28 Oct 2011 | 09:53 pm
Lo prometido es deuda y después del recuento de votos del concurso Evil Plan PSN de CronicasPSN ya sabemos cuantos votos recibió la candidatura de El Cuchitril. Al final fueron 68 votos (sumando la we...
Những Trò Quỷ Quái Không Trái Lương Tâm - Tìm Vui Trên Con Đường Chinh Phục Thế Giới 13 Sep 2011 | 12:18 pm
Tác giả: Hugh Macleo Dịch giả: Lê Khánh Hoàn Số trang: 220 Kích thước: 12 x 20 Giá bìa: 49.000 VNĐ Giá bán: 44.100 VNĐ Ngày xuất bản: 09 - 2011 Lần này với "Evil Plans" mà ấn bản tiếng Việt ...
ECHO, ECHo - and your (shirt) design in a book! 22 Jan 2008 | 11:58 pm
Sorry for any inconvience that has ocurred yesterday - it was no evil planned spamletter-campaign. It was just the forgotten mailinglist olp2007 .. and this is what happens: One sends a spam (or virus...
ONE PIECE 671 「ワンピース ネタバレ」 671 Spoiler スポイラ 8 Jun 2012 | 02:46 pm
ONE PIECE 「ワンピース ネタバレ」 671 Spoiler スポイラー comes next week. Stay tuned for ONE PIECE 671 Spoiler download, it’s gonna be very exciting. While Caesar tells about his evil plan, Luffy catches him suddenly...
ECHO, ECHo - and your (shirt) design in a book! 22 Jan 2008 | 06:58 pm
Sorry for any inconvience that has ocurred yesterday - it was no evil planned spamletter-campaign. It was just the forgotten mailinglist olp2007 .. and this is what happens: One sends a spam (or virus...
Chapter 23 3 Sep 2012 | 02:58 pm
The evil plans from Fernando and the captors to capture the guys from the shed that had escaped was in fruition. Fernando were pointing the gun at one of the captors. The other one was not near. He wa...