Most example of blue laws related news are at:

Best Books on Law 5 Sep 2012 | 10:07 am
Some of the good law books not only make reading enjoyable but also teach you various complexities and intricacies of law. With an easy English language and a neat and clean chapter wise narration, le...
What are Blue Laws? 4 Sep 2012 | 12:57 pm
Blue laws are the laws that are made to maintain the religious standard relating to the professional environment and activities in a country. It also affects personal lives. These laws are considered ...
More example of blue laws related news:
Petitions to Prime Minister of India: End Discrimination and Torture of Innocent Families. 5 May 2013 | 05:45 am
Indian Government enacted many laws without doing any serious intellectual work. For example, it enacted laws like section 498a and Domestic Violence act, 2005 presuming that no woman or her parents w...
An Unexpected Weekend 7 May 2013 | 04:04 pm
This weekend was a Bank Holiday weekend. It was also – remarkably – a pretty decent run at the weather. Monday, for example, had blue skies, sun, and the scent of barbecues and sunscreen could be dete...
What are Blue Laws? 4 Sep 2012 | 12:57 pm
Blue laws are the laws that are made to maintain the religious standard relating to the professional environment and activities in a country. It also affects personal lives. These laws are considered ...
Alaska Portable Oxygen 13 Jun 2011 | 06:39 pm
Designer: Blaven Blaven has come up with a really neat niche site with a decidedly chilly feel to it, based on the Blue Sky Proskin. A great example of how a nicely designed header image can give a si...
American people duped by Obama again… 22 Feb 2012 | 12:25 pm
Obama has used the healthcare law to mislead and dupe the American people. At the crux of the controversy from the start was the abortion language and the blue dogs that held out their support till th...
UK Example: Lawful Access Legislation is a Dangerous and Slippery Slope 10 Aug 2009 | 12:15 pm
Reports from the UK show that authorities have made more than 500,000 requests for confidential communications data over the past year alone - roughly 1 for every 78 adults in the UK. These requests c...
Case Digest on Blue Dairy Corporation vs. NLRC, 314 SCRA 401, September 1999- Labor Law 13 Apr 2011 | 12:03 am
Case Digest on Blue Dairy Corporation vs. NLRC, 314 SCRA 401, September 1999- Labor Law Q. A check was mis-posted, resulting in an overstatement of a client’s outstanding daily balance. The Preside...
Case Digest on De Rossi vs. NLRC, 314 SCRA 245, September 1999- Labor Law 13 Apr 2011 | 12:03 am
Case Digest on De Rossi vs. NLRC, 314 SCRA 245, September 1999- Labor Law Q: Respondent X was hired by the Blue Dairy to work as a food technologist in the latter’s laboratory. One day however, whil...
Day 6 Activity 2 1/18/11 Weather and Bernouli Principle 20 Jan 2011 | 04:45 am
Describe some common weather occurrences in relation to the gas laws and characteristics we have been exploring. What is the Bernoulli's Principle, provide an example or application of this. Example...
Best Car GPS 29 Apr 2012 | 04:08 pm
Before you begin your search or your purchase for the best car GPS navigator you should take on the consideration both country and state laws. For example, in Minnesota you are not allowed a windshiel...