Most expected value related news are at:

UAH professor survives earthquake, seeks to make structures safer 27 Aug 2013 | 05:45 am
When Dr. Ying-Cheng Lin was an undergraduate majoring structural engineering in Taiwan, he knew that his studies would one day help him land a good job. But he never realized they would also save his ...
UAH to host 19th annual NANPA conference 27 Aug 2013 | 01:50 am
UAH College of Nursing is hosting the 19th annual North Alabama Nurse Practitioner (NANPA) Clinical Symposium September 27-28 at the Huntsville Marriott. This year's conference theme is "Nurse Practit...
More expected value related news:
Happy Pi Day and Monte Carlo Method 15 Mar 2010 | 09:11 am
Pi Calculation Today is the day, 03/14 2010. Happy day to all! The Monte Carlo method generates multiple trials to determine the expected value of a random variable. Calculating Pi is generally the...
Sports Betting Success - the EV - Winning Streak 28 Feb 2012 | 01:50 pm
The EV is the key to success in every form of gambling. The EV is basically the expected value, or the amount of money a player can mathematically expect to win or lose on every bet that he makes. The...
Warranties, part 2: Warranty for You 24 Apr 2012 | 02:03 am
In the previous post we discussed whether it’s ever a good idea to buy a product warranty such as AppleCare. To answer this, we used something called expected value. For instance, if an $829 iPad has ...
The Importance Of Small Edges In Online Poker 11 Mar 2012 | 01:26 am
Successful online poker is about the exploitation of small, apparently insignificant edges over and over again. Such small advantages induce positive expected value into the game, the only thing capab...
How to Crush the Low Stakes Games with Optimal River Play! 24 Apr 2012 | 07:43 pm
Video #176 – How to analyze the EV of a river call John reviews the math behind calculating the Expected Value (EV) of a river call John details using stats from HEM2 to derive basic assumptions abo...
What is the Bera-Jarque statistic? 13 Aug 2010 | 02:15 am
The Bera-Jarque statistic combines skewness and kurtosis into a single measurement, and determines whether kurtosis is unusually different from its expected value. It is calculated as T/6[skewness^2 ...
LaTeX Tip: Operator Names 21 Mar 2011 | 04:14 pm
I’ve always written: Which gives you something like this: The problem here is that the probability and expected value operators are italicized as if they were variables. I should have been writing: ...
chkrootkit で OooPS, not expected *** value エラー 23 Jun 2012 | 07:35 pm
CentOS 6 の 64bit 環境で chkrootkit を実行した際に、 OooPS, not expected 104861 value のようにエラーが頻繁に飛んでくるようになりました。 これは、100000……(続きを読む)
The Meaning Of The Mean 5 Jul 2012 | 06:21 am
Bob Carpenter has a few enlightening thoughts on the distinctions between 1) the sample mean, 2) the expected value of a random variable, and 3) the mean of a distribution. I've long been confused by ...
LaTeX Tip: Operator Names 21 Mar 2011 | 12:14 pm
I’ve always written: P(X>Y) E[X=3] Which gives you something like this: The problem here is that the probability and expected value operators are italicized as if they were variables. I should have be...