Most explain what is nuclear energy related news are at:

Thyristors 11 Jun 2013 | 08:00 pm
Transistors are great: you'll find them in their billions storing digits and switching tiny currents in every single computer made in the last few decades. But they're not so good at handling bigger c...
The Law of Conservation of Energy 15 Apr 2013 | 10:00 pm
Why can't we make energy for free by creating a perpetual motion machine that runs forever? How come rockets have to be going a certain speed to reach the Moon? Why does a drill bit get hot when it bl...
More explain what is nuclear energy related news:
Maariv: How to build another nuclear reactor without signing the NPT 13 Dec 2010 | 01:55 am
Dimona nuclear reactor Dome Like most of the world, Israel is facing a major energy crisis. Our population is growing and per-capita energy consumption is on the rise. Nuclear energy is emerging as ...
Fukushima and the consequences for nuclear energy 18 May 2011 | 07:39 pm
The major environmental disaster in Japan, and the threat of nuclear meltdown in the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Germany to make radical changes in policy. A U-turn on nuclear policy seems to eme... 6 Feb 2012 | 12:44 pm
What are the types of green energy? There are few green energy types which includes solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy and hydro energy. Let us differentiate them to underst...
New Delhi and Seoul Strengthen Ties 1 Sep 2011 | 03:01 am
India’s bilateral relations with the Republic of Korea attained a new high when the two sides signed an agreement on nuclear energy technology on 25 July, 2011 during Indian President Pratibha Patil’s...
Time to Say Goodbye to Nuclear Energy 18 Apr 2011 | 10:49 am
The title of Episode 84 of Light On Light Through says it all: the continuing nuclear crisis in Japan shows why it's long since time to take our leave of nuclear power as a mainstream energy source o...
ENERGI BARU 8 Apr 2011 | 01:11 pm
# Clean Coal Technology (CCT) > Underground Coal Gasification and Generetion (UCGG) adalah mengkonversi batu bara di dalam tanah tanpa dengan menambang # Nuclear Energy # Fuel Cell # Pump Storage ...
Department of Energy Funds 42 University Nuclear Research Projects 27 May 2010 | 04:05 am
The Department of Energy announced that it would fund $38 million dollars worth of research across a wide spectrum of American universities in hopes that new doors to nuclear energy research would be ...
Global Nuclear Energy Partnership 11 Sep 2007 | 06:08 am
Star article about nuclear waste program, by Allan Woods. ”The initiative proposes that nuclear energy-using countries and uranium-exporting countries band together to promote and safeguard the indus...
Turkey Point - bidda boing! bidda BANG. 21 Aug 2011 | 01:54 am
How good are you with NUCLEAR energy to power your world? Frankly, I consider it all insanity! How' long is the shelf life? You've got to kidding me... where has the leadership of this and so many ...
OnGreen – the World’s Largest Greentech Network 25 Mar 2011 | 01:07 am
OnGreen, a new cleantech social network answers all your green questions about oil dependency, developing nations, nuclear energy, pollution, etc: