Most expo hoteles related news are at:

Statement to Spanair's Affected customers. 30 Jan 2012 | 08:01 pm
Expogrupo regrets any inconvenience caused by the recent closure of the Spanair aircraft company and informs our guests and customers who had planned vacations and getaways with Spanair flights and re...
Don Carlos Resort and Cudeca Foundation join efforts against cancer 22 Mar 2011 | 09:03 am
Through this annual collaboration agreement, the Resort shall provide free spaces and donate weekend packages for events organised by the Foundation Marbella, March 22, 2011. Marbella’s <st ...
More expo hoteles related news:
Pullman Skyway at Expo Hotel 1 Dec 2009 | 10:19 pm
Located on Luwan District Shanghai, next to bustling Xujiahui Business Beirut, the international high-end Pullman Shanghai Skyway Hotel has 52 floors, overlooking city views, lush private garden, is t...
The prefect hotel for the Barcelona Marathon, Expo Hotel Barcelona 11 Feb 2010 | 08:02 pm
Expo Hotel Barcelona remains as the best place for athletes running the Barcelona maratón The hotel offers an ideal stay for athletes, with an offer that includes dinner and a breakfast rich in carbo...
Special offers - Made Expo - Hotel Galles Milan 23 Jul 2012 | 05:28 pm
Made Expo is one of the main international architecture and building trade fair, held at Fiera Milano Rho from October 17th to 20th 2012. Innovation, ... From 16 October 2012 to 21 October 2012
RecruitMilitary Veterans Opportunity Expo 15 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
Hotel del Coronado Information The Opportunity Expo will take place in Upper Grande Hall. After parking, enter the Grande Hall through the Orange Avenue entrance. Please follow the RecruitMilitary s...
Carlsbas Plaza Casino 19 Jul 2011 | 12:42 am
If you are a real player and you enjoy a healthy level of adrenaline, or you just want to try your luck in the game, then just for you there´s a newly open Casino in the Carlsbad Plaza hotel which off...
Hotel-Bar 18 Sep 2008 | 03:48 am
In den Berliner Stadtteilen, in die einst zwar zu Sanierungszwecken Subventionsmilliarden flossen, in denen die Gehwege aber nach wie vor marode sind, entstehen immer mal wieder Lokale, die synthetisc...
пегас :: мнение :: Шуга Бич (Sugar Beach Hotel) 4* Аланья - Турция 3 Feb 2011 | 01:00 pm
Были в этом отеле в 2009 году. Ничего страшного и отвратительного там не увидели. Многие пишут об отеле всякие гадости, но возникает вопрос "Чего вы ждёте от отеля,который стоит дешевле многих 3* отел...
Sports 360 es el nuevo concepto de EVS para abarcar todos los aspectos relacionados con la producción y difusión de eventos deportivos, desde la retransmisión en directo a la distribución multiplatafo...
STOCK TIPS 4 7 - Buy Indian Hotels; target of Rs 101: IIFL - - 8 Jun 2011 | 02:23 am
Malicious fake hotel reservation email issue 2 May 2012 | 12:55 am
From time to time we all receive those fake bank emails telling us to login and update our records. What are the chances of you receiving a malicious and fake hotel reservation email message though. K...