Most extend android battery life related news are at:

Rescue Cell Phone–A True Customer Service Nightmare 29 Jun 2013 | 06:56 pm
There are many iPhone repair places to choose from – but there also are certain ones that are to be avoided at all costs. What’s at stake? Your peace of mind and your data. This experience happe...
MACALLY Hi-Speed USB File Transfer Cable–Not 64-Bit or Lion Friendly 29 Jun 2013 | 06:48 pm
I purchased a couple of these cables while I was still working at Micro Center and they have worked very well in the past. The key reason for my purchase? Not only does this thing allow transfers be...
More extend android battery life related news:
Extend Android Battery Life when Google is Draining your battery! 28 May 2013 | 03:58 pm
There are myriads of Android power saving tips out there. Same symptoms, my battery was draining very quickly and I made several complaints to Google. It was also getting hot very quickly -- too hot f...
How to preserve the battery life of your mobile phone 23 Aug 2010 | 11:14 pm
Running out of battery is one of those real niggles in life, especially if you are a smartphone user. However, by tweaking the way you look after your phone you can extend the battery life quite signi...
Tips- Maximize the Android Battery Life 1 Mar 2012 | 08:16 am
Android can do anything, but when it comes to holding battery charge, it pretty much sucks. Some people get extra batteries so that they can switch them when their phone runs out of juice. But you don...
PowerMax v1.8.0 Apk App 30 May 2012 | 04:11 am
PowerMax v1.8.0 (+ Pro Key v1.8)Requirements: Varies with deviceOverview: PowerMax – maximize your battery life! PowerMax extends the battery life of your mobile device. Simple to use: just push the ...
Droid X Champs the Android Battery Life Test 22 Aug 2011 | 06:35 pm
>... There's no denying that the Smartphone is becoming more and more versatile every day. But how abouttheir batteries and not wearing the agony of the dead phone in his hand. So it makes sense to g...
Portable Solar Batteries for Laptops and Tablets 10 Feb 2012 | 07:38 am
Most think that that it is impossible to run computers solely on solar panels but thanks to the improvements in solar technology, laptops and tablets can now extend their battery life with the help of...
How to Extend Laptop Battery Life 23 Feb 2011 | 07:22 am
When you need to work or stay connected on the go, there is nothing more useful than owning a laptop. However, this will not do you much good if your laptop battery only lasts 30 minutes. The averag...
Cobra Tag G5 – The Latest in Bluetooth Low Energy 13 Apr 2012 | 03:23 am
Cobra Tag G5 was shown last CES. The G5 is one of the first products in the world to use the new Bluetooth Low Energy Standard (also know as Bluetooth Smart). The tag extends the battery life from t...
Extending Netbook Battery Life 11 May 2012 | 09:00 am
While netbooks may be ultra portable and you can conveniently carry with you where ever you go, their batteries can only last for a certain number of hours. Have you ever wondered if extending netbook...
Get More Battery Life with Droid X Extended Battery! 14 Apr 2011 | 10:59 am
Droid X actually has a pretty good battery life if you ask me but for those of you who want to extend your battery life, here’s some cheap fixes for you: First, you can get additional OEM Motorola ba...