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More fabien capello related news:
the poundshop 26 Sep 2011 | 06:59 am
The Poundshop 4 Sept 2011 The fourth The Poundshop is hosted in the showroom of East London based leather merchant Alma. This time the bespoke shop fitting is designed by Fabien Capello and boasts pr...
Fabio Capello Leaves England 9 Feb 2012 | 01:26 pm
With less than six months left before Euro 2012 Fabio Capello has decided to leave his job as head coach of the English football team. You know what? Good for him, make no mistake he may not be warm a...
Colori caldi 22 Jul 2010 | 03:37 am
PRIMAVERA leggera PRIMAVERA calda PRIMAVERA chiara AUTUNNO profondo AUTUNNO caldo AUTUNNO morbido Capello Biondo dorato chiaro Toni rossi- rosso fuoco o biondo fragola Scuro con riflessi cald...
Interview : Cédric de Vtopo / Intense 22 Feb 2012 | 06:31 am
Suite à l'interview de Fabien de Barbarians la semaine dernière, aujourd'hui prenons le temps de discuter avec Cédric Tassan, créateur des guides Vtopo et nouvel importateur d'Intense en France. Salu...
7 questions à Fabien de Barbarians 13 Feb 2012 | 11:48 pm
Aujourd'hui nous inaugurons une nouvelle rubrique qui a pour but d'aller à la rencontre de ceux qui font le VTT en France. Première interview avec Fabien de Barbarians Bike qui nous parle de ses proje...
Fabien Potencier's Blog: Developers should be Artists 13 Sep 2009 | 02:33 pm
Fabien Potencier has a suggestion for developers out there - don't just look at what you write as something functional that just does a job, be an artist! Hacking is an art, and hackers should act as...
Milner Masih Sesalkan Mundurnya Capello 28 Feb 2012 | 05:06 pm Manchester - Keputusan Fabio Capello untuk mundur dari tim nasional Inggris masih menyisakan rasa pahit. Gelandang Manchester City, James Milner, menyebut bahwa Capello mundur di ...
Demeral Fiale Physia Complex Azione D'urto 1 Mar 2012 | 04:13 am
Demeral Fiale Physia Complex, AZIONE D'URTO e PREVENZIONE CADUTA Rispetta il naturale funzionamento del cuoio capelluto, mettendolo in condizioni ideali per una crescita del capello regolare e soli...
What To Do When You Lose Your Hope? 16 May 2012 | 08:30 am
After the amazing video of Fabien about his wonderful around the world travel, I come back to you with a different topic. If you follow a little bit my blog you already know that I am an engineer fro...
"Palmarès" 2011/2012 15 Dec 2011 | 08:10 pm
La Salvetat St-Gilles - Ork'n Roll (31) : 1 & 2 octobre 2011 - 50 joueurs - 15ème : Fabien (EN) - 38ème :Marin (HE) - 40ème : Jon (Skav) Battle Royale II (17) : 3 & 4 décembre 2011 - 12 équipes -...