Most facebook ad manager related news are at:

Facebook Shutdown FB Ad Manager 11 Oct 2010 | 07:05 pm
Please refer to this post “Mr Green Ain’t Happy: Facebook Shut Down FB Ad Manager“.
Mr Green Acquires FB Ad Manager 6 Oct 2010 | 09:17 am
Hello all! You may or may not of heard the news that Mr Green has taken over ownership of the FB Ad Manager. There are some big changes coming up to the FB Ad Manager which should increase uploading...
More facebook ad manager related news:
Facebook Value Makes No Sense 2 Feb 2012 | 01:02 pm
Facebook ad sales worldwide grew 104% in 2011 but are expected to climb just 52% to $5.8 billion this year and only 21% to $7 billion next year, according to eMarket. Current profits less than $1 bil...
FlexxTheme Now with Ad Management Plugin Feature 19 Dec 2008 | 09:08 am
Almost a month ago, we released FlexxTheme, a mega WordPress blog theme designed for the beginner in mind. It’s got easy graphic uploading, rotating header graphics, and over 1,000 possible layout opt...
The Facebook Ad and Internet Marketing 20 May 2012 | 04:34 am
Gone are the days of conventional marketing which involved regular advertising mediums such as television, newspaper and, radio. Gone are the days of below -the-line advertising tools such as billboar...
$1 / Year Hosting at StartLogic! 16 Mar 2012 | 07:06 pm
Related Ad: Grab cheap Facebook ad coupons here! or directly from me here. Today, I’ll teach you how to get (almost!) free web hosting from one of the biggest (and punniest) names in the web hosting ...
$1 for Full Year of Hosting at Dot5Hosting! 20 Feb 2012 | 01:30 am
Related Ad: Grab cheap Facebook ad coupons here! or directly from me here. Today, I’ll teach you how to get (almost!) free web hosting from one of the biggest (and punniest) names in the web hosting ...
Selling $50 Facebook Ad Coupon for $4 each! 19 Feb 2012 | 11:20 pm
1. Your facebook ad account or adwords advertising account MUST NOT be older than 14 days old. 2. You MUST NEVER have redeemed any coupon/code before. 3. One coupon per account. CANNOT be used with ...
Free $25 Facebook Ad Coupon! 17 Feb 2012 | 01:34 am
It’s really easy! Just go to then fill in details (fake if you want) and you get the code immediately! Works for you? Comment below and share with others! You ...
Wordpress Ad-Manager Plugin 3 Jan 2012 | 07:30 am
Wordpress Plugin Name: Wordpress Ad-Manager Plugin Demo: Wordpress Ad-Manager Plugin - You are a blogger who wants to earn some extra money by in...
The front pages 4 Jan 2012 | 05:41 am
The foundation for managing online ads DoubleCleeck for Advertisers (DFA) is an ad management and ad serving solution that helps agencies and advertisers manage the entire scope of digital advertisin...
Page Tab Resize Code Updated in Facebook Tab Manager 3.3 15 Apr 2012 | 12:30 am
The latest release of Facebook Tab Manager alters the JavaScript code generated to resize page tabs. I’ve been getting intermittent reports of users tabs not resizing correctly for the last few weeks,...