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最怕原來被取消資格 還不知道拼命掙扎 27 Aug 2013 | 07:51 am
眼見一些事情,自己不斷努力但還是沒有進展。懷疑又懷疑,是自己的問題嗎?方法錯了嗎?到底差一些甚麼才可以成功。 同時間,眼裏也見到很多簡簡單單便得到成功的人,他們沒有比你好的條件,沒有比你努力,但他們就是成功了。 有人說,堅持到底,希望有些東西睇,但邏輯上即是未成功便繼續做,沒有實質的建議。 堅持了又一段時間,發現或許原來我們一開始便沒有被選上,即使我們在做跟別人一樣的事情,但人們一早是被選上...
怪獸大學 15 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
看了怪獸大學, 遲遲沒有時間寫寫。 雖然是早場, $60看3D版, 但還是覺得可以不用看3D, 動畫製作其實本身己經可以加入景深, 3D的差別實在太小。 本來看預告以為是另一個原創故事, 入場前才知道原來是"怪獸公司"的前傳, 想像內容大概是怪獸們如何認識吧。 對大學這個題材的設計, 老子很喜歡, 不論是"怪獸-ize"的建築課程, 還是入社團認識同房的情節也很好。 不得不提, 故事中單眼...
More facebook block friend related news:
facebook block friend 25 Oct 2010 | 06:50 am
facebook block friend consists in creating a list, adding a friend to that list and ignoring the list. Facebook does not provide a direct per-user ignore system on the web platform, but it allows the ...
Facebook At School 27 Aug 2010 | 08:12 am
You are at this moment probably sitting at your school and wondering how can you go to Facebook and avoid the Facebook block on this computer. Well it is very easy, just keep reading. But first you n...
Funny Facebook Tattoo Friend 10 Apr 2012 | 03:47 am
I Know U Like It The amazing and funny photo was shared on the image sharing site img.ur recently and got a lot of attention in the tattoo world. As the girl that got the funny lip tattoo is seems so...
Auto Facebook Mass Friend Adder & Captcha Bypass: Download FaceBook Blaster Pro 5 Jun 2010 | 11:26 pm
FaceBook Blaster Pro | 19 Mb FaceBook Blaster Pro is the internets # 1 Facebook friend adder marketing software tool. Internet marketers are experiencing a gold rush of web 3.0 FREE advertising to hi...
Informasi FACEBOOK BLOCK 23 Dec 2011 | 08:48 pm
Akhir-akhir ini saya dalam 1 hari meng add lebih dari 100 orang dan dianggap facebook melebihi batas yang diterapkan... Saya pikir ngga ada batas untuk add orang dan fb sudah memberi peringatan "Berhe...
Tutorial: Integrate Facebook Connect to your website using PHP SDK v.3.x.x which uses Graph API 19 Sep 2011 | 06:44 am
Now-a-days it is common for websites to have Facebook Connect integrated to it. Facebook Connect is the iteration of Facebook Platform that allows users to ‘connect’ their Facebook identity, friends a...
Me without you 22 Sep 2011 | 04:43 pm
ME Without YOU!! It's Like Facebook Without Friends, Youtube Without Video movie without Music And Google With No Results
ความจริง 9 ข้อเกี่ยวกับ Google+ 3 Jul 2011 | 03:54 pm
หลายท่านคงได้เล่น Google+ กันมาพอสมควร ส่วนตัวผมเองเพิ่งมีโอกาสได้เล่น (วันหยุดพอดี) เลยขอสรุปสั้นๆให้เข้าใจกันง่ายๆ 9 ข้อดังนี้ Google Plus = Facebook + Twitter คือไม่ต้องเป็น Friend กันก็ Follow กั...
Leaving Facebook One Friend a Day 3 Feb 2009 | 05:29 pm
I’ve just decided to leave Facebook. Starting as of today I will delete a contact a day. I used to have 318 friends, I’m now at 317 and by the end of 2009 I should have cancelled all my connexions. ...
Where are Facebook’s friends? Stock down after IPO 23 May 2012 | 02:39 am
Facebook’s stock is tumbling well below its $38 IPO price in the social network’s second day of trading as a public company on Monday. Investors and technology industry watchers are closely tracking ...