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Conference Chat di Facebook 14 Oct 2010 | 03:58 am
Salah satu fasilitas yang ada di Facebook adalah chat Facebook. Chat ini hanya bisa private alias satu persatu saja. Namun kini ada fasilitas dimana pengguna bisa ngobrol bareng2 dalam sebuah group. A...
Cara Kembalikan Chat Lama Facebook 6 Aug 2011 | 03:06 pm
Belum lama ini Facebook memperkenalkan chat sidebar model baru, Group chat juga video callng namun model chat sidebar ini malah menjauhkan pengguna dari teman-teman di listnya. Pasalnya, sulit untuk m...
Facebook 推出手機即時通訊程式 Facebook Messenger 10 Aug 2011 | 07:58 pm
全球社交網站一哥 Facebook 近日推出手機即時通訊程式 Facebook Messenger,供 iPhone 及 Android 手機使用。據 Facebook 網誌的文章提及,Facebook Messenger 是一個獨立的 app,而這項服務之目的是提供簡單、方便的通訊服務。 Facebook Messenger 設有群組聊天 (Group Chat)、地圖、照片傳送等功能。據說,...
Facebook announced Video Chat – Group Video Calling 22 Jul 2011 | 09:44 pm
RJUSW2WKPNWT Now Days Google Plus become a popular subject, But The king of Social network (facebook) has fear about the popularity and growth of G+(google plus). So Facebook has announced the launch ...
Facebook Messenger Chat Heads – Game Changer? 14 Apr 2013 | 08:39 am
Facebook Messenger debut their new gimmick, the Chat Head which is a circle showing your chat or group conversation at the side of your Android 2.0 and above screen. Looks great. You can move it here...
How To Turn off Facebook Chat/Group Seen Feature 30 Apr 2013 | 11:39 pm
Hi All, Now I am going to post an article to help you to be able to Turn off Facebook Chat and Group Seen Feature. Facebook some time ago put “Seen feature” completely new to messenger chat box as wel...
Jessica's Rite Aid trip 8/26/13 27 Aug 2013 | 07:44 am
**JOIN OUR FACEBOOK CHAT GROUP, A SINGLE COUPON INSIDERS!** New to Rite Aid?? Read our Rite Aid 101 tutorial here I only had 2 bottles of mouthwash left in my ...
Facebook Group? 22 Jan 2012 | 12:46 am
Check it out, it's like this but more social I guess. Join, chat, share opinions, and have fun. StarCHaser Central
Keep Your Facebook Group as a Secret - Basic Information 19 Jul 2011 | 01:55 pm
While most of the users as well as the bloggers love sharing and chatting among the friends but sometimes users may wish to keep the things as secret so that all the information including the news fee...
Two Google Chrome Extensions for Facebook Chat 25 May 2012 | 08:22 pm
Facebook has introduced Timeline and Cover photo features which created a small kind of havoc among the social networking community and other social media groups. Some people liked it while some disli...