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More facebook like count not accurate related news:
How to read facebook likes count 8 Oct 2012 | 11:56 am
When you add facebook like button to your site, probably, you also want to save the number of likes of your pages to your database.These data are very useful and very important because they tell you w...
Increase Blog Google +1 Button Count : WordPress Plugin 24 Jan 2012 | 10:16 pm
Increase Blog Google +1 Count. We all know the importance to it but We have to Admit that its extremely Hard to get +1 for your blog. Place your Facebook Like Button and Google +1 Button at the same p...
Free resources for creating a Facebook welcome page 20 Sep 2011 | 07:40 pm
Creating a Facebook welcome page can make a big difference to increasing your like count. A Facebook landing page as it is otherwise known, can be used to greet your non fans when they visit your page...
How To Put Share Buttons, Bookmark, Google+ and Facebook Like Button With Unique Count on Your Blog 7 Nov 2010 | 09:16 pm
Untuk versi Bahasa Melayu, baca di sini. From my blog post, How to Prevent Blog Traffic Decrease for Seasonal Bloggers, we know that providing easy share to social network buttons can help to increas...
How to get the social share count for facebook, twitter and linkedin 8 Jul 2012 | 06:25 pm
Yesterday I coded a custom wordpress sidebar and my client needed to show the “social love” that every post has (measured as a sum between facebook likes, twitter count and linkedin count). After revi...
Facebook Scanning Private Messages for Links – When Will the End of Our Privacy Tether be Reached? 5 Oct 2012 | 05:27 pm
As reported by The Next Web and TechCrunch, if you send someone a link via private Facebook message, Facebook will count this as two “Likes“, raising the Like counter on the third-party website by two...
Buy Indian Facebook Likes 20 Dec 2012 | 07:29 pm
There are many organization that are counting among the best for providing social media services.Few also offer regional based social media service like now you can buy Indian facebook likes if you ar...
Count Facebook Likes, Twitter Links, and Google Pluses with PHP 16 Mar 2013 | 04:08 pm
If you want to get some of your social media statistics for a particular URL, like the number of Facebook “likes,” mentions on Twitter, or +1′s on Google Plus, you can (at least in theory). Facebook’s...
How to Remove Facebook Page Like Count or Fans and Rename Page 2 Apr 2013 | 11:52 pm
Aminul Islam Jewel asks in BIMPA: I really need to rename my Facebook Page name. But, Facebook is not allowing me to rename my page for having more than 200 fans. 275 to be exact. How can I rename the...
2013 Guitar Messenger & Per Nilsson Solo Competition 18 Apr 2013 | 08:29 pm
The 2013 GUITAR MESSENGER & PER NILSSON SOLO COMPETITION is here! 1. Go to & download the backing track available at the top right (next to the LIKES count). Th...