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More facebook sharer.php related news:
How to Prevent your own Facebook-Style PHP Leak 13 Aug 2007 | 08:01 pm
I don’t know if any of you have kept up on the recent problem Facebook is facing, but it’s actually a fairly interesting topic. For those of you who haven’t followed, basically what happened was some ...
Facebook Graph API App Easy w/ PHP SDK 3 Dec 2010 | 09:14 am
NOTE: This post was written using Facebook’s PHP SDK version 2.1.2. Since this post was made, the PHP SDK has changed and some of the process that are explained below may have changed as well. At some...
3cadadia Facebook App Desarrollo Facebook App PHP, XHTML, CSS,... 6 Apr 2012 | 09:38 am
3cadadia Facebook App Desarrollo Facebook App PHP, XHTML, CSS, JQUERY, OPEN GRAPH.
phpConference: Desarrollo de aplicaciones para Facebook en PHP 9 Nov 2010 | 07:55 am
Después de la charla-publipropaganda del señor Kuassi Mensah, de Oracle, de la cual ni siquiera voy a escribir entrada, a pesar de estar agradecido por la simpatía con la que intentó llevar su diserta... Updates with WordPress, Facebook and PHP 11 Apr 2010 | 02:27 am
facebook Just thought that I shall create a post on the updates I made on this website itself. Several things done and had fun playing around with wordpress, facebook and PHP codings. Good thing I'm ...
Simple Facebook Graph API iframe Application – Full code 16 Aug 2011 | 09:54 am
Facebook Connect PHP toolkit is PHP library specialized for development of Facebook Connect websites and Facebook iFrame applications. Both types of web applications are based on the same technology -...
Facebook BOT php auto like 13 Oct 2012 | 09:24 am
Membuat Bot Auto Like Facebook Met malem sobat. . . Sebelum saya melanjutkan postingan ini saya selaku admin blog mengucapkan minal aidin wal faidin mohon ma'af lahir dan batin mungki...
Poster un statut sur une page facebook en PHP 20 Nov 2012 | 04:23 am
Pour envoyer de nouveau statut sur une Fan page facebook, on va utiliser le sdk php de facebook à télécharger sur gihub. Vous trouverez l’api_key et l’api_secret en créant une application sur le site ...
Un lampione che illumina e sorveglia 11 Dec 2012 | 04:51 pm
function fbs_click() { u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,he...
App per telecamere di videosorveglianza HD 14 Dec 2012 | 07:37 pm
function fbs_click() { u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,he...