Most facebook status feed related news are at:

5000 Year Old Game Tokens Found 16 Aug 2013 | 10:28 pm
Small carved stones unearthed in a nearly 5,000-year-old burial could represent the earliest gaming tokens ever found, according to Turkish archaeologists who are excavating early Bronze Age graves...
Get the Chromecast Wallpapers 15 Aug 2013 | 12:27 pm
When it isn't streaming, the Chromecast displays a beautiful wall paper. These images are just downloaded from Google and displayed on your screen. Looks like there are currently 11 of them. One of .....
More facebook status feed related news:
P40 Thousand Forum Writer Project 30 Dec 2011 | 02:47 pm
Share on Facebook If you like to read forums or message boards or your facebook status feed, this project might be just what you’ve been looking for. Get paid to research and post on forums. The pr...
How to Display Facebook Statuses on WordPress Blog 16 Mar 2012 | 06:07 pm
If you want to show your Facebook Statuses and you are hosting on a blog that restricts you from installing plugins, try this. The following method make use of Facebook status feed and W...
Pet Society Basset Hound Plushie 13 Sep 2010 | 07:17 am
If you’re a Facebook fan of Pet Society, then you’ll notice that Pet Society is giving away a free Basset Hound plushie. Click the link in your facebook news feed to retrieve it. Edited to add: There...
October 20th Stream 21 Oct 2010 | 04:00 pm
Posted SocialMedia411: Weirdest Use of Twitter by Government Agency Yet: The FCC Mocks Fox/Cablevision (RWW): Shared The Facebook News Feed: How it Works,10 Biggest Secrets — Th...
Summer Heat. 6 Aug 2009 | 06:07 am
(Bear Week, P-town) Yeah, it's been awhile. I think I've forgotten how to write complete sentences, so please excuse my grammar. My "blog postings" have lately been in the form of Facebook status upd...
Clickfather Update – 4/11/2012 12 Apr 2012 | 10:20 am
ClickFather Update – 4-11-12 Took some time off… Well I had all the plans made and tickets booked, I updated my Facebook status and in 10 hrs I was heading to Fiji to sit for 12 days and relax in a ...
Love these Facebook Statuses I just saw 6 May 2012 | 07:56 am
Ever since Mark Zuckerberg and his college pals founded and introduced Facebook to society on February 2004, social media has never been the same again. Facebook has become such a huge phenomenon, man...
Is this One Of The Best Door-To-Door Salesman Ever!? 13 Nov 2011 | 06:45 pm
Thanks to a good share in my facebook news feed I just watch this video and it was pretty hysterical! This kid was selling one of those “Wonder Cleaning” All in one products, and totally owned it. ...
Have you heard of chicken and ham paste? 14 Mar 2009 | 05:20 am
A few weeks ago a friend of mine set her facebook status as "Sarah is chicken and ham paste." Thinking to myself, "What the hell?" the following interaction ensued: Me: Let me just say that "ham past...
Life can get in the way of "Life" 22 Sep 2011 | 11:15 am
Your internet persona. Your online community. Your "cyber-whatever-the-hell-thingy". Pretty important, yes? You simply have to update your Facebook status (or, for those who have trouble letting go......