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TL simgesi bilgisayarda nasıl yapılır 4 Mar 2012 | 07:20 am
br /> bağlantıyı göster (facebook ile) bağlantıyı göster (klasik üye girişi ile) Türk Lirası, milyon ünvanından kurtulduktan sonra şimdi de kazandığı itibarı daha da yükseltmek için yeni bir simge sa...
Facebook Connect Bağlantı Hatası!!! 14 Aug 2013 | 10:38 am
Arkadaşlar bu problemle karşılaşan varmı ? Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/xxxxxxx/domains/ on line 38Warning: Cannot modify ...
(Audio) Keor Meteor – San Andreas (Name Your Price D/L) 15 Aug 2013 | 10:24 pm
Pragmatic Theory veteran Keor Meteor has just dropped his latest release. A blend of GTA samples with some deep soulful beats yet another classic. Enjoy... Keor Meteor Links : Facebook / Twitter / Ba...
Hayaller ve Yetenekler - II 5 Apr 2011 | 08:22 am
Rotarlı iki günün ardından devam.. (iki gün internet bağlantım gitti, scann ve printer kurulumu saatlerimi aldı) Hayaller ve yetenekler... Kalem neyi yazarsa kelam onu söyler... Resim çizerken düşl...
Indian govt. wants manual filtration of objectionable content on Social Media; People outrage 7 Dec 2011 | 02:22 am
Outrageously stupid as it may sound, the Indian Telecommunications Minister Kapil Sibal has asked Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like to self-censor objectionable content r...
Slick Social Share Buttons 2 Sep 2011 | 10:16 am
Slick Social Share Buttons eklentisi, blogunuza kullanıcıya takip eden sosyal ağ (Facebook, Twitter, Plus, Linkedin, Stumpleupon, Digg, Buzz) düğmeleri eklemenizi sağlıyor. Kurulum İndirdiğiniz zipi...
Is *this* really *that* hard CNN? 30 Mar 2011 | 04:27 pm
Co-founders, celebrities talk Twitter Original here Color me impressed. After my whinge, CNN updated the post to include a few links [previously, none]. Cool. (CNN) — Jack Dorsey got the Twitter ba...
The Holy Saints John and Freemasonry 29 May 2012 | 03:18 am
An inquiry into the designation of the Saints John as Patron Saints of Freemasonry by W.Bro. Harvey L. Ward Jr. PM, Schafer Lodge No. 350, Grand Lodge of Florida, Usa Follow us on Facebook Twitter...
Promote PodCamp with Web Badges 7 Feb 2010 | 08:55 am
Gearing up for this year's PodCamp? Help us draw people to event! We have awesome web badges ready for you to grab. They're available in four different sizes; great for using on Facebook, Twitter and ...
Como evitar que nuestra cuenta de Facebook o Messenger sea hackeada 10 Jan 2011 | 05:48 pm
Hace ya algún tiempo que aquí mismo publicamos sobre una herramienta llamada Firesheep que sirve para hackear cuentas de Facebook, Twitter, MSN Messenger entre otras, como resumen, esta herramienta ap...