Most faisal kapadia related news are at:

Citizen journalism today 15 Jul 2013 | 01:06 am
My reading list – 17/6/2013 18 Jun 2013 | 01:59 am
I keep hearing from time to time that there are no new bloggers out there in Pakistan. Well sorry but that is just malarky as more often then not people tend to just read the few dozen blogs everyone ...
More faisal kapadia related news:
CNN on 4×4 Offroaders Club Karachi’s Flood Relief Efforts 26 Aug 2010 | 02:57 pm
Holly Yan of CNN caught up with our 2nd relief trip on August 24th and spoke with Offroaders Awab Alvi and Faisal Kapadia: (CNN)—“Everywhere we go we see eight to 10 feet of water,” said Kapadia, who...
Expedition Poldat: The Laidback Show 3 Mar 2010 | 03:57 pm
In Eposide 17 of the Laidback Show, Dr. Awab Alvi and Faisal Kapadia head towards Hingol National Park for a three day Expedition with offroaders from OffroadPakistan to conquer a natural gorge called...
STAY GRANTED: Constitutional Petition Preventing PTA from Blocking of Websites 19 Apr 2012 | 10:55 pm
On the 17th of April 2012, seven individuals, Dr. Awab Alvi, Sana Saleem, Faisal Kapadia, Nazim Haji, Naeem Sadiq, Noman Quadri and Ayesha Tammy Haq, through their lawyer Haider Waheed with Basil Nabi...
Join the Constitutional Petition for Protecting our Fundamental Rights Online 10 Apr 2012 | 10:54 pm
On the 17th of April 2012, seven individuals, Dr. Awab Alvi, Sana Saleem, Faisal Kapadia, Nazim Haji, Naeem Sadiq, Noman Quadri and Ayesha Tammy Haq, through their lawyer Haider Waheed with Basil Nabi...
MEDIUM-TERM TRADING TIPS - Buy Varun Industries with target of Rs 207: Kapadia - CNBC-TV18 - 8 Jun 2011 | 02:27 am
E, bay, pay, tay, say, jeem 13 Jan 2009 | 01:46 am
No, I am not dead. Yet. I am reproducing Faisal Khan‘s recent open letter to eBay for the lack of paypal services in Pakistan below to show solidarity with the cause (thanks for the tip Jehan Ara). A...
Karachi:Target killer arrested 30 May 2012 | 05:43 am
Karachi situation Karachi: Police stated to have caught a ‘target killer’ near Natha Khan Goth in the limits of Shah Faisal Community police station. As per release issued on Tuesday, Shah Faisal Co...
Ethical Hacking Practical Tutorials [Part 1] 12 Jul 2011 | 08:57 am
Hi, Today, I want to start the writing on the ethical hacking. But before going to further in the Ethical Hacking Course, I introduced myself once again. I am Rana Faisal Munir, working on Semantic b...
Foto Nabila Syakieb Yg Begitu Cantik 8 Apr 2012 | 05:37 pm
Nabila Syakieb adalah salah satu dari sederet bintang pesinetron muda yang namanya mulai dikenal saat membintangi sinetron CINTA SMU sebagai Putri bersama Faisal. Perempuan berdarah Arab kelahiran Bo...
Watch Online Cocktail (2012) Movie 30 May 2012 | 02:28 pm
Movie : Cocktail Genre: Romance, Drama Release date : 13 July 2012 Video Length : Unknown Director : Homi Adajania Star Cast : Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, Daina Penty, Dimple Kapadia, Baman Irani...