Most fake ap style guide related news are at:
– The Writer Underground - writing about writers and other letter-related debrisThe Writer Underground - writing about writers and other letter-related debris
The Week In Tweets 22 Aug 2013 | 12:34 pm
The outdoor industry's most-read blogger (my guess) calls it quits. He was a staple on my RSS reader: -> 9 Extremely Odd Jobs Writers Had Before They Were Famous (Douglas Adams...
The $55 Wooden Pencil (or, The Eberhard Blackwing 602 Will Screw Up Your Superstitious Writing Life) 20 Aug 2013 | 12:20 am
Nothing creates value in a fetish item like scarcity, and when the item in question isn’t even being produced any more, then suddenly, you’ve got a $55 wood pencil (via the site): ...
More fake ap style guide related news:
Admit Defeat 25 Jul 2013 | 07:32 pm
Whatever it is that you do, I’m guessing there’s at least one part of it that you haven’t mastered yet (or can’t/don’t intend to). Me, no matter how many times I turn to my AP Style Guide, I always, a...