Most family tree builder related news are at:

Tip of the month: Tree Consistency checker 27 Aug 2013 | 08:46 pm
Having a large, family tree, can sometimes lead to small oversights that may be difficult to identify. Some mistakes are common like misspelled names, mixed-up dates or incorrect ages while others are...
1932: A most famous photograph 26 Aug 2013 | 12:38 pm
One of the world's most iconic photos is of a group of men sitting on a 69th floor construction beam high above Manhattan. This iconic 1932 photo of construction workers having lunch on the 69th floo...
More family tree builder related news:
Free Family Tree Builder 10 Apr 2010 | 04:54 pm
The best free genealogy software in the world. 10,018,151 downloads so far, but who's counting... 35 languages to choose from was founded by a team of people with a passion for geneal...
MyHeritage Family Tree Builder 7.0 : Cloud Computing 18 Apr 2013 | 02:34 pm
MyHeritage publie aujourd’hui son nouveau logiciel Family Tree Builder 7.0 et met l’accent sur le Cloud. Dans mes précédents articles (Le Futur de la généalogie, le Futur de Heredis) je faisais l’apol...
Family Tree Builder. Dobrý sluha, zlý pán 6 Aug 2013 | 01:06 am
Pravidelní návštevníci fóra pred časom zachytili moju čerstvú skúsenosť s programom Family Tree Builder. Veľmi populárny, veľmi užívateľsky prívetivý a aj veľmi otravný program – najmä, keď sa dožaduj...
Kindo Acquired by MyHeritage 23 Sep 2008 | 03:04 pm
I didn't get a chance yet to blog about our last TechCrunching, but Kindo, the startup I co-founded in March 2007, today announced its sale to MyHeritage, the biggest player in the family tree space....
Bauer’s Family Tree of Printing Types 20 Jan 2012 | 02:05 pm
Gorgeous bit of type history discovered on Imprint: In 1937, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Bauer Type Foundry in 1837, the firm issued “Bauer’s Family Tree of Printing Types.” It’s a...
AfriGeneas Named to Family Tree Magazine's List of 101 Best Web Sites for 8th Year in a Row 3 Aug 2007 | 09:14 am
For the eighth year in a row, Family Tree Magazine has named AfriGeneas to its 101 Best Web Sites list. According to Family Tree Magazine's editors, these sites represent the "pinnacle of online genea...
FAMILY TREE FINAL 29 Feb 2012 | 10:50 pm
企画に出て貰ったり、 PV作らせて貰ったりして、 個人的にも思い入れの深いバンドが解散します。 COUNT OF STRENGTHはジャンルどうこう関係なく、 色々な場所やシーンでライブもやってたし、 色々な人達に影響を与えてる希少なバンドだったと思ってます。 解散はとても残念ですが、 それぞれの今後を楽しみにしつつ、 楽しみまくって彼らを送りだしてあげられたらと思ってます。 COSのライブ...
N.W.A. - And Their Family Tree 12 Oct 2008 | 09:16 pm
Title: N.W.A. And Their Family Tree Label: Priority Records Genre: Rap Bitrate: 185kbit av. Time: 01:19:12 Size: 111.76 mb Rip Date: 2008-09-29 Str Date: 2008-09-30 Kód: 1. N.W.A. - Straight Outta C...
Family Tree PHP 1.1.1 beschikbaar 17 May 2011 | 09:09 pm
Er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar van Family Tree PHP, namelijk versie 1.1.1. Family Tree PHP is een PHP-script dat gebruikt kan worden om gedcom-bestanden te publiceren op een eigen website. Het he...
Family Tree PHP 1.0.1 12 Oct 2010 | 12:29 am
Er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar van Family Tree PHP, namelijk versie 1.0.1. Family Tree PHP is een PHP-script dat gebruikt kan worden om gedcom-bestanden te publiceren op een eigen website. Het he...